3rd Precinct update

Third Precinct Advisory Council (3PAC) Minutes

July 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Gwen McMahon at 6:39 p.m. 17 attendees.

Treasurer’s report: Doris Overby, Treasurer, balance of $1457.73 in our checking account at Wings Financial. Check to reimburse Gwen McMahon will be written shortly for $561.12.

Minutes: of the June meeting were approved as written.

Summer Picnic: will be August 11 at the temporary 3rd Precinct building. As in the past, 3PAC will be offering food for all three shifts. Serving times will be around the noon hour and then again around the supper hour and early evening. Phil Williams has volunteered to pick up food at Corcoran Park and deliver to the precinct as parking is at a premium. Timing will be determined at the August meeting.

Officer of the month: This recognition has been brought back. Recognitions are being funded by the department budget. A request was made to have the Inspector share the write up with 3PAC each meeting. Inspector Gomez was going to check and see if he could do that.

Updates from Inspector Gomez: Retention incentives for MPD officers. A plan is before the City Council to provide retention bonuses to patrol officers. Some of the guidelines include good standing and employment as of December 31, 2022. A discussion of public services was had along with some of the current trends in the precinct. A more in-depth discussion of the Shot Spotter system was had and how that fits into the information at hand for investigations. Staffing has remained the same since last month. New hires seem to just replace officers leaving.

Question/answer opportunity: Doris Overby made a motion: 3PAC supports an action of the City Council to offer incentives for both patrol officers and upper ranks – command staff. Motion seconded and passed.

Gwen McMahon and Phil Williams will meet with Inspector Gomez to discuss the types of information 3PAC would like to have at future meetings, i.e., crime statistics, more detailed trends, etc. With the new Department of Public Safety information channels have changed.

The crime statistic dashboard link is public, but not necessarily easy to find. We will publish that link.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Next meeting is Monday, August 8, at Corcoran Park, 6:30 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Phil Williams, co-chair.

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