David Tilsen

Dave Tilsen served two terms on the Minneapolis School Board. A lifelong radical from South Minneapolis, he is the grandson of Meridel Le Sueur and the son of civil rights attorney Ken Tilsen.
Watch the District 62 Candidates Debate (April 11, 2020) hosted by Dave Tilson
BY DAVE TILSEN April 7, at the American Indian Center on Franklin Avenue, there was a large turnout, a very diverse crowd, many East African folks, lots of Native Americans, some Latinos. A friendly crowd, but I sensed an undercurrent of tension. Not racial tension exactly, but partially, political tension.…
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BY DAVE TILSEN On March 10 the delegates selected at precinct caucuses gathered on a cold wintry Saturday. About 450 of us from the Central, Powderhorn, Corcoran, Phillips and Whittier neighborhoods made it over to the Justice Page Middle School to endorse candidates for state legislature, elect party officers, and…
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BY DAVID TILSEN After the election last November, the national Bernie Sanders Campaign launched an effort to start a national organization to continue the work of the millions of people who supported Senator Sanders. This organization, called Our Revolution (OR), was received well, and activists enthusiastically started chapters all over…
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BY DAVID TILSEN I decided to help Alondra Cano in her re-election campaign this year because she stepped up when I asked her to help with trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. I tend to be in solidarity with people who are in solidarity with me, and Council Member Cano…
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BY DAVID TILSEN I decided to help Alondra Cano in her re-election campaign this year because she stepped up when I asked her to help with the Dakota Access Pipeline effort. I tend to be in solidarity with people who are in solidarity with me, and Council Member Cano has…
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BY DAVE TILSEN I love movies. I also love theater, live and recorded music, television, watching sunsets, my grandchildren, OK, OK, way down deep I am shallow, but I am going to talk about this year’s movies, and what I expect and wish the Academy of Motion Pictures Sciences would…
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BY DAVE TILSEN I love movies. I also love theater, live and recorded music, television, watching sunsets, my grandchildren, OK, OK, way down deep I am shallow, but I am going to talk about this year’s movies, and what I expect and wish the Academy of Motion Pictures Sciences would…
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BY DAVID TILSEN The Native people of the Western Hemisphere have come together to support the Standing Rock Lakota in their decision to not allow the Dakota Access Pipeline to be built. They have clearly decided this pipeline threatens their existence. They will not be invisible any more. Native nations…
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BY DAVE TILSEN Hennepin County police are busting heads in North Dakota? How did that happen? Most of us have heard about the oil boom in North Dakota. It has generated jobs, but also problems: “Boom Towns,” earthquakes, money for some people, exploitation for others. For the Indian People, who…
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BY DAVID TILSEN I am disturbed by the reaction to the beating by Adrian Peterson of his son. The “enlightened” members of the press and the community are quick to condemn him, and urge the Vikings to deprive him of his chosen career. It is as if we believe that…
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BY DAVID TILSEN Payday lending is a very profitable business. We know these places well here in Minneapolis. They will lend anyone money, and the interest rate is really exorbitant. Some reports are that the interest rate can exceed 250% on an annual basis. Of course they loan it for…
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BY DAVID TILSEN In January, Alondra Cano officially started her new job as the council member representing the 9th Ward of Minneapolis. She said the work actually started the evening she was elected. Her phone began ringing and people began asking her to listen to them. As she started to…
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BY DAVID TILSEN For those who are confused, here is a quick summary of the various lawsuits to stop the stadium. In the Cohen, Woodruff, Ostrow lawsuit, they contended (correctly) that the stadium legislation requires the Vikings to pay for the parking ramp, and the city should not be selling…
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BY DAVID TILSEN People have asked me a lot over the summer why I am trying to stop the new Vikings stadium. I have a few stock answers. One is that I have no objection to a new stadium, I just don’t think I should be forced to pay for…
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BY DAVID TILSEN On Thursday evening, Nov. 7, the Vikings will be hosting Washington at the Mall of America Field. People will be gathering in the Ancient Traders Post parking lot, 1113 E. Franklin Ave., near Maria’s Café, at 4:30 p.m.to peacefully march to the stadium and ask sports announcers…
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