Ed Felien

Columns by Ed Felien

Ed has been the owner and editor of Southside Pride since 1991, writing articles and essays.

Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred golfers that the course would be open…

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Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board seems hell-bent on destruction. It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred…

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Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board seems hell-bent on destruction. It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred…

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DFL City Convention July 8

BY ED FELIEN The DFL will hold an endorsing convention for mayor, Board of Estimate and Taxation and nine Park Board seats on Saturday, July 8, at the downtown Minneapolis Convention Center. There are four leading candidates for mayor: Betsy Hodges is the incumbent. She hasn’t raised a lot of…

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More war in Afghanistan

BY ED FELIEN Trump is taking the leash off his pitbull. McMaster, the Bush architect of the first failed surge in Afghanistan, has his chance to do it all over again. He’s got a plan to add 3,000 to 5,000 more troops to forces in Afghanistan to settle down the…

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The Beloved Community

BY ED FELIEN There is a hunger in all of us for community. The impulse is older than human understanding. We long to be part of the tribe, to feel the comfort, to know the security, to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We were family, then clan, then tribe, then…

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Park Board to close Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN According to a memorandum sent out June 8: “MPRB staff has considered the potential of a 9-hole golf course, but has determined 9-hole golf is not financially viable at this course. As a result, the options for use of the property in a reduced pumping scenario no…

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Confessions of an unrepentant Maoist

I. How it all began (2015 August Riv, September PP, Nok) I remember when it happened. It was 1961. I had just started graduate school at the University of Minnesota. I was doing research for a history of theater seminar. I was assigned a report on the Abbey Theater and…

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Mitch and John

Mitch and John BY ED FELIEN It recently came out that the new Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise gave a speech to a David Duke group of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in 2002. Scalise claimed he had no idea what the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) group stood…

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How did they kill Terrance Franklin?

How did they kill Terrance Franklin? BY ED FELIEN October 29, 2013 Text copyright © 2013 Ed Felien May 10, 2013. At about 1:30 pm Terrance Franklin and his friend, Anquanette Hollman, were sitting in a 2002 blue Chrysler PT Cruiser at the back of the apartment building at 2743…

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