
What’s up At Midtown Global Market

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE As a “consumer,” you have three broad things on offer from Midtown Global Market: It’s a place to eat and drink, it’s a place to shop and hang out, and it’s a place with numerous neighborhood-based events to attend. The eating and drinking might seem similar…

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Rising water levels mean rising frustration

BY STEPHANIE FOX As the Twin Cities faces its wettest year ever, as lakes in the City of Lakes are overflowing and Minnehaha Creek sends more and more water—50 to 80 million gallons—through the city, rising water tables are starting to cause significant problems for many living in the area.…

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Sometimes peacemakers just wanna have fun

BY LUCIA WILKES SMITH Every year, for the 35 years that members of Women Against Military Madness have organized a silent auction fundraiser, they debate the wisdom of holding such an event. Does it make sense to focus on an activity that doesn’t focus on political and educational content? Well,…

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Reader emphasizes importance of cutting birth rate

In “Hope and futility neck and neck as first world (barely) takes on climate crisis” (all September editions of Southside Pride), it was suggested that people could mitigate the climate crisis by having no more than two children. Two children? 7.8 billion people as status quo? The most effective decrease…

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Development: with or without the neighborhood?

BY STEPHANIE FOX When the Minneapolis 6th Ward City Council Member Abdi Warsame and Mayor Jacob Frey announced the details on the city’s plans to build what they called an African village on a publicly-owned lot in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, the local reaction was shock and surprise. The announcement, made…

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Race War

BY ED FELIEN There is a Race War happening in America. Some very crazy white people are attacking and murdering people of color. Dylann Roof killed nine African Americans during a church service at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2015. White supremacist James Fields deliberately rammed his car into…

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Truth and Consequences

BY TONY BOUZA There is no doubt in my mind that the most vital institution in America is a free press. Period. And the responsibility of the Fourth Estate? Dig for and report the truth. I tried hard to lead my life as a public servant in service to that…

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The Gichi-gami Gathering to Stop Line 3

BY JIM TJEPKEMA Now is the time to gather on the shores of Gichi-gami—Lake Superior—and raise our voices so that Governor Walz, our state agencies, and all Minnesotans can hear. This gathering, titled The Gichi-gami Gathering to Stop Line 3, will be held in Duluth on Sept. 28 from 1…

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