It takes a neighborhood to write a book
What about the 2040 Plan?
My thoughts on Keith Ellison

BY DAVID GILBERT-PEDERSON As a survivor of intimate partner violence and sexual assault (the #MeToo Movement), I take the allegations very seriously, and believing survivors isn’t an abstract idea for me. However, this election is not a referendum on whether we believe Karen, or the #MeToo Movement; this election is…
Against fear and hatred
Fear and loathing in the last week before the 2018 midterms
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Familiar visitors tender good cheer and reassurance

BY JOHN KARRIGAN Again this past month I haven’t made it to the park, but I have been entertained by the avian visitors to the backyard: White-breasted Nuthatches, Black-capped Chickadees, Northern Cardinals, American Goldfinches and Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers. A few days ago I spotted several first-of-the-fall-season Dark-eyed Juncos. As…
CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT MAOIST: Modern Cleaners becomes Modern Times
THE DISH: Southside soul, delights of the U.S. South
Vote for Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison: Stands with Bernie Sanders. Ranked most liberal in the Minnesota Delegation to Congress by GovTrac. “I am working to advance gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) equality in Congress by ending existing discrimination written in federal laws, giving law enforcement tools to pursue perpetrators of hate crimes, and…