Gimme shelter (cont.)

BY KAY SCHROVEN Oh a storm is threatening My very life today If I don’t get some shelter Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away — “Gimme Shelter,” The Rolling Stones In the 1980s when many mental health facilities were closing, 14 local churches became involved in addressing homelessness and providing…

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Jack Ryan: Spoiler alert!

BY ED FELIEN I feel like Oscar in Sesame Street: “I like trash.” What’s there to do during the pandemic and forced incarceration but watch trashy action flicks on Netflix? And, after you’ve watched all the James Bond movies and “Ocean’s Eleven,” you’re left with the dregs at the bottom…

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Wanted: travel size toiletries

Kay Grace from the Bancroft neighborhood wrote on Nextdoor: “Hello, my 88-year-old mom, Gale, is now staying with us here in South Minneapolis. She used to be an amazing seamstress but now has dementia and cannot do very much. My sister and I are starting a project with her to…

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BY TONY BOUZA Our—or any—society is driven by values. We repeatedly extoll the virtues of truth tellers and honest dealers. Our airways are clogged with boasts of integrity. Our morality defines us and we emphasize these beliefs in the artifacts of culture. There are not too many statues left of…

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A new Good Grocer does good on Eat Street

BY STEPHANIE FOX For Kurt Vickman, making sure that everyone has enough food to eat has been a lifelong mission. Once the head pastor of The Upper Room, an activist church, Vickman ran a food shelf in the church basement. He discovered that many people would ask to pay small…

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The legacy of Lisa Bender – Letter to the Editor

Thank you for your excellent piece on Lisa Bender, published a few issues back [all February editions of Southside Pride]. I’ve lived in my own home here in the Wedge neighborhood since 1995 and I’m a semi-retired architect. I’ve also been on various neighborhood committees, beginning at the time when…

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Who gets the vaccine?

BY ED FELIEN A concerned reader wrote, “Please urge more equitable distribution. Please cover this issue right away. White arms are being injected at a much higher rate than their percent of population.” Native Americans are 1.8 times more likely to get COVID-19 than white people. They are four times…

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It’s just a concept!

BY KATHRYN KELLY Taxpayers have now paid almost 1 million dollars for the Hiawatha Golf Course Master Plan. When the Park Board is questioned about the viability of any feature of their plan, their response is, “It’s just a concept.” Well, I have to agree that it is truly a…

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Gimme shelter

KAY A. SCHROVEN In the late 1980s Erick Everson was hanging out in the Whittier neighborhood of Minneapolis and was a frequent and friendly face at the Simpson Shelter. He battled mental illness. When Erick was doing well, he did odd jobs in the area such as helping out at…

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