Rita has dropped out of the race

BY DAVID TILSEN Margarita (Rita) Ortega announced that she is leaving the race for City Council in the 9th Ward. This is a vacant seat left by Alondra Cano’s decision to not seek re-election. Ms. Ortega has been a lifetime resident of the 9th Ward, mostly in the Little Earth…

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Register to vote—again?

THE FIRST IN A SERIES OF ARTICLES ABOUT THE 2021 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MINNEAPOLIS. Believe it or not, 2021 is an election year in Minneapolis—a very important election year. The mayor and every City Council seat will be on the ballot in…

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Getting it right – Letter to the Editor

Thank you, Southside Pride, for showing a picture of Chief Arradondo on the front page of your April edition. Thank you for quoting Chief Arradondo regarding his words at the Derek Chauvin trial: “It’s not part of our training, and it is certainly not part of our ethics and our…

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BY TONY BOUZA In the English history of man the wise (Homo sapiens) there has never been even one who didn’t consider him(her)self a national leader. It might tempt you to ask—then where are all those cockups coming from? People—leadership is in short supply. Just looking at our last few…

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Equity and the Hiawatha Golf Course Master Plan

BY KATHRYN KELLY The Metropolitan Council has prepared a comprehensive development guide for the Twin Cities metropolitan area called Thrive MSP 2040. It “provides a framework for shared vision for the region over the next 30 years.” Part of this planning is defined in the 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan,…

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Rest in peace and love, Daunte Wright

BY ED FELIEN Daunte Wright was pulled over in Brooklyn Center while driving his parent’s car for driving with expired license tabs. The officer in charge, Kim Potter, was a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Park Police Department and former head of the police officer’s union. She was training new…

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Lake Street stories, cont.

BY KAY SCHROVEN When the going gets tough, the tough get going, right? Last spring, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, when chaos and violence erupted on East Lake Street, Father Joseph Gillespie, O.P. (aka: The Patron Saint of Cautious Optimism) of St. Albert the Great Catholic…

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Go to your precinct caucus

BY ED FELIEN Go to your precinct caucus … and never leave your couch. Now you can register to become a delegate to the DFL ward and city conventions and never leave the peace and serenity of your living room. You can go to caucus.dfl.org and it will direct you…

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Chicago and 48th Street — who made it through?

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Despite its genteel relative prosperity, the business and residential hub around Chicago Avenue and 48th Street has had a rocky year and a bit. It’s only a few blocks south of George Floyd Square, so there has been some disruption to traffic flowing through. There were…

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The queen on the hill – Letter to the Editor

The queen on the hill I am writing about the article Ms. Kathryn Kelly wrote for Southside Pride about Minneapolis Park Board Commissioner Steffanie Musich that appeared on the front page of the March 2021 Nokomis edition. I want to express two concerns I have about the piece: It was…

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We share the torment of the damned

BY ED FELIEN Two tormented 21-year-olds unleashed a storm of death and sorrow last month in Atlanta and Boulder. Why? There are no easy answers. They were both victims of bullying. Robert Aaron Long was bullied by his evangelical church to hate and fear his natural need for sexual expression.…

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Bryan Ring

BY ED FELIEN There was a lovely piece in the Pioneer Press in February about Bryan Ring bringing help and hope to the homeless camped out near Sheridan Park in North Minneapolis: “Stillwater man is godsend to people living in Minneapolis homeless camps.” “He brings sleeping bags, food, hand warmers,…

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