Category: Spirit and Conscience
Hope and futility neck and neck as first world (barely) takes on climate crisis

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Along with most of my friends, I wish to reduce my carbon footprint. My environmentally-friendly friends and I think if we live sustainably we can somehow alleviate and mitigate the climate heat that is exponentially encompassing the entire planet. (You know, the hotter it gets, the hotter…
Spirit and Conscience Love for the Earth
A slim glimmer of a conscientious shopper

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN My friend Alex Chandler, who describes herself as a person with a passion for making the world a better place, is part of the ethical consumer movement. She looks for “companies that are committed to Fair Trade and environmentally-friendly practices, treat their employees well, and do not…
Bells Chime Again at St. Joan of Arc
Spirit and Conscience: Hope Lutheran Church remembers remarkable choir camping trip program
Hope Lutheran Church is celebrating its unique choir camping trip program, which ran from 1967 to 2003, with a reunion on Saturday, Sept. 15. All choristers and chaperones that made these trips possible are invited. These were not singing or performing tours, nor were they educational programs or religious retreats. They…
Spirit and Conscience: Work and Poverty
Healing Hub at Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church soon open to the public

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church (MCLC) has already been for years a place where non-members and strangers come to be buried and married (same-sex couples included). And for many years there have been regular AA, Al-Anon and Adoption Support groups that meet at the church. Community groups sometimes…
Say ‘No’ to new immigrant detention site in Minnesota

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN The federal government is planning to spend $2.1 billion on four new immigrant detention centers in the U.S. One of them will be in Minnesota. There are already 200-plus existing sites in the country. According to Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC), in 1996 there…
SPIRIT AND CONSCIENCE: The Church’s ongoing reformation

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Cultural Uniqueness of Trinity Lutheran Congregation When I talked with Jane Buckley-Farlee, co-pastor of Trinity Lutheran Congregation, we discovered she had been at that church as long as I’ve been at Southside Pride—21 years. I’ve been reporting on religious groups, mostly churches, during all this time; overall,…
SPIRIT AND CONSCIENCE: The Enneagram: Self knowledge leads to tolerance and understanding
After the shock of the national election results I felt a sense of impending doom. I still do. I am afraid for myself as an elder person on Medicare, I am afraid for immigrants and for all people facing danger in the world even more than before. I am afraid…
SPIRIT AND CONSCIENCE: White supremacy: Once again preaching to the choir
My concern with racism and white supremacy in America began long before the recent election. It has been present in American society and government since the beginning. It is something that the U.S. government, on the face of it anyway, during my lifetime, has mostly always been against. Now, that…
SPIRIT AND CONSCIENCE: Anishinaabe man crafts unique spiritual path
In 1986, Nick Boswell walked into a used-book store and picked up an old copy of the Koran. He thought, “Oh, here’s something to give my brother to reform him.” Once he started reading, though, he knew the message was for him. It astounded him, hit the nail on the…
SPIRIT AND CONSCIENCE: ‘A Family Torn Apart’ by Justina D. Neufeld
The book “A Family Torn Apart” is a heart-rending and heart-pounding story. The narrator relates in first person what happens when war and political forces that have nothing whatsoever to do with people who are just trying to live their lives, grow their crops, celebrate their holidays and love their…
SPIRIT AND CONSCIENCE: Restorative justice: No one is an island, No one stands alone
In “Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime & Justice” (published in 1990), Howard Zehr writes that our current criminal justice system fails on three counts: It fails to deter crime, it fails to hold offenders accountable and it fails to meet the needs of victims. The book opens with…