Category: Nokomis
Bryan Ring

BY ED FELIEN There was a lovely piece in the Pioneer Press in February about Bryan Ring bringing help and hope to the homeless camped out near Sheridan Park in North Minneapolis: “Stillwater man is godsend to people living in Minneapolis homeless camps.” “He brings sleeping bags, food, hand warmers,…
Saving the Earth like we mean it – Part II

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE You probably did not guess when you read my “Saving the Earth like we mean it” piece a year ago ( that it was only Part I of an ongoing exhortation. Even worse, this is the agitprop equivalent of a good-cop-bad-cop routine, and last year was…
Cindy Gerdes

BY TONY BOUZA The awful, awful thing about bureaucracy is its cold indifference. Many of my colleagues sought comfort, salaries and pensions while wallowing in self-pity and whining like gold medalists. Humanity was the great missing thing. Shortly before I left policing—for the first time voluntarily—we had an awful murder—Cindy…
Unity starts with education

BY ADRIANA CERRILLO DIRECTOR, BOARD OF EDUCATION, MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS From the insurrection at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., to the barbed wire lining the streets of downtown Minneapolis, 2021 has been a grim reminder of the divisions in our communities. Unless we make a strong effort to bridge our…
Charles Rodgers is running for Park Board
Agape: What does love look like?
Between hope and despair
The queen on the hill
Reject the plan: testimony before the Park Board
The Page Amendment; educators’ solidarity; COVID-19 and safe reopening of schools
Summer camps 2021: some in-person, a lot of virtual options

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The state of the COVID-19 pandemic is still pretty uncertain for summer 2021. Therefore, not surprisingly, there are more virtual options than ever before available. But there are still some in-person day camps and even residential traditional camps. There is actually a huge variety of choices,…