
How do you earn your way out of poverty?

It’s good to open a discussion on poverty. I appreciate Joe Selvaggio’s article in that regard. However, his tone makes one think that he lives miles and miles from the people who find themselves, for many, many different reasons, without the means to survive. His deprecating tone is disturbing. And…

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Let’s put the less fortunate to work

BY JOE SELVAGGIO Upon reading the amazing book “Amazing MN” by Lee Lynch, I found myself smug and proud of my adoptive state, Minnesota.  Fact after fact, picture after picture evoked, “Wow, I’m lucky to live here.” We have invested wisely in literacy and education, recreational sites, arts, sports teams…

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We need a new city attorney

BY ED FELIEN This is the interregnum—that period between regimes, when the new government begins to organize themselves and the old government packs up and leaves. The new City Council will be deciding who will be president, who will be majority leader and who will head up the various committees.…

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BY ED FELIEN Congratulations to Jacob Frey on winning the mayor’s race. He ran a marathon and made it look like a sprint. He’s charming and he has infectious energy. He promises to be the most accessible mayor, ever. He even published his cell phone number on campaign posters: 612-968-4443.…

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Southside Pride Sample Ballot

Mayor Ray Dehn City Council Ward 6: Mohamud Noor Ward 8: Andrea Jenkins Ward 9: Alondra Cano Ward 12: Andrew Johnson Park Board At-Large Meg Forney, Mike Derus, Charlie Casserly Park Board District 3 Charles Exner or Abdi Gurhan Mohamed Park Board District 5 Bill Shroyer

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Dehn steps into Modern Times

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE If you’re reading this after Nov. 7, either our choice for mayor, Raymond Dehn, is the new mayor-elect (and this will give you an insight into why), or, he isn’t (in which case this is just a nostalgia piece). If you’re reading this on the 6th…

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Bravo, Trump

BY TONY BOUZA On these very pages, on more than one occasion, I pleaded for the one thing I felt America needed most. I even wrote a book about the subject, and the result? Silence. I begged the President to convene a National Commission on the issue—and a black president—for…

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let the cash registers ring!

Immigrants from all over the world who don’t have proper documents enter the U.S., or people with documents enter and overstay their visas. Why do they risk life and limb to come here? They seek a safer, more secure place to live—oftentimes escaping corruption, extortion, drugtrafficking, and gang activity in…

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The 2017 Biennale, almost banal

BY COOPER In late July I was able to see the 2017 Biennale in Venice, Italy. The Biennale is a grand gathering of work by artists from all around the world. There are two sections, the Arsenale and the Giardini, each with more pieces of art than you could see…

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Honey Badger don’t give a damn!

BY ED FELIEN Honey Badger don’t give a damn. ‘bout who you are or who I am. Honey Badger don’t give a damn.   Get out of his way.  He’s off the rails. He’s acting crazy.  He can’t be stopped. He’s gonna take it over the top.   Honey Badger…

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