
An Appeal to Hennepin County

BY ED FELIEN Last week I sent the following email to Commissioners Angela Conley and Marion Greene, with a copy to David Hewitt, Office to End Homelessness, Director: Thank you for the extraordinary work you are doing in finding homes for the homeless in our community. Purchasing hotels for the…

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East Franklin Avenue in COVID-19 and BLM Times

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Two weeks ago, we covered the part of Franklin Avenue west of Cedar Avenue. They were having some hard times but meeting the challenges with the resilience borne of centuries of standing against settler colonialism. Some of the denizens of this issue’s focus, the part from…

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Defund the police: a letter to the City Council

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN I support the City Council in its intention to defund the police. I’m assuming, though, this doesn’t mean there will be no public safety mechanism in place in the future. I’m hoping this means starting over from scratch, as I understand they did in Camden, N.J., redefining…

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Longfellow/Seward Healthy Seniors in time of need

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Longfellow/Seward Healthy Seniors (LSHS) is a nonprofit that helps seniors live their most healthy and independent lives, following the “Living at Home / Block Nurse” model. It is one of three such programs in Minneapolis, the other two being Nokomis Healthy Seniors and Southeast Seniors. LSHS…

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Meeting our new neighbors

BY KAY SCHROVEN We have new neighbors in Powderhorn Park. The media calls it “the tent encampment,” described as over 100 (and growing) homeless people living in tents, some recently evicted from the local Sheraton Hotel where they were being temporarily housed, post protests/riots and the associated destruction. Living a…

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Try the new normal at Modern Times

BY DYLAN ALVERSON & THE MODERN TIMES STAFF We have been watching and participating in the events that have unfolded in our neighborhood since the Minneapolis Police Department murdered George Floyd. In that time, we have seen a lot of people of color terrorized by the police, houses and businesses…

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worth watching (6.20)

BY ED FELIEN Last month we introduced a new feature on our website—exclusive interviews with Stephen McClellan and musicians from local rock bands: Yellin’ at McClellan. This month he hosts his old friends, The Lanes: – https://youtu.be/KkNgAi0-s04 Steve: “Mike and Kiki Lane form the core of a band called The…

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Emails from Lily Lamb, June 16

**Good Morning Neighbors- As many of you have heard, we will be gathering as a community tonight at 6 p.m. demanding response and action from our city, county and state officials. Below is the link to the google sheet where you can see a suggested list of contacts. Additionally, on…

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His life mattered

BY ELINA KOLSTAD Black Lives Matter has always been about more than the murder of unarmed black people at the hands of the police. It also tackles structural racism that can be seen in everything from our educational system to the fact that our justice system does not uphold the…

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This has gotta change!

BY ED FELIEN The cops in Minneapolis have got to be brought under control. They must be held to the same standards of behavior as the rest of us. Our civil rights in Minneapolis are protected by the Minneapolis Civil Rights Commission. If some person, some business, or some institution…

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America the Beautiful

BY TONY BOUZA America’s police are out of control. This is news to you? White America hires cops to control blacks. This is called racism. The Minneapolis cop did not murder Floyd. It was manslaughter. The prosecutor mangled it, but did he have the police union’s endorsement? Why didn’t he…

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Heartbreak Hotel

BY ED FELIEN Well, since my baby left me Well, I found a new place to dwell Well, it’s down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak Hotel —Elvis There are lots of reasons for homelessness. More than half of all working adults in America are a paycheck away…

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Minnehaha Avenue in COVID-19 times

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE To my way of thinking, the good news is that the Midtown Farmers Market Saturday market started right on time, in early May. If you haven’t been yet, you should go. Geek Love Cafe had been closed, but at some point in late April or May,…

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