Proposal to change the MPD

BY STEPHANIE FOX Members of the City Council have been working since the summer of 2020 to get a proposal on the city ballot that would drastically reform the Minneapolis Police Department. Council members say that they envision a new Community Safety and Violence Prevention Department, which might, they say,…

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BY DAVID TILSEN To be interviewed by Laura Waterman Wittstock was like being listened to by a wise friend. Then, afterward, you listen and think, why did I say that? I didn’t plan to open up that much. Somehow Laura was able to do that with people. Without ever compromising…

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Corporate welfare to Health Partners

BY PAPA JOHN KOLSTAD Twin Cities health care activists are seeking changes to a state law that gives nearly free state collection services to a corporate giant. Health Partners/Regions Hospital enjoys the privilege of having the Minnesota Department of Revenue provide collection services for debt people owe for health care.…

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The race is on!

BY ED FELIEN Alondra Cano has announced she will not run for a third term as City Council member for the 9th Ward. Southside Pride supported Cano four years ago when she ran for reelection. We were thrilled when she supported demonstrations supporting holding Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officers accountable…

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Working for Amazon

BY SAFIYO MOHAMED This is a true story about how Amazon dehumanizes and abuses its workers for the sake of excessive profit. When Amazon (msp1) hired me and more than 50 other people in 2016, we joined over a thousand workers already working there. My first day was very exciting…

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Pius XII

BY TONY BOUZA I have a tiny coterie of friends who, whenever we meet, immediately plunge me into esoteric, vehement exchanges on arcane subjects. Two such are the publisher of this tract (and I mean that in the sense of propaganda leaflet) and the sadly dead and missed Ivan Musicant.…

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2020’s two great losses in local journalism

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Throughout this pandemic, we have been noting businesses in various categories that have closed for good (and a few brave souls who opened businesses!).We’ve noted the impact on restaurants, breweries, retail and services, both vital (like groceries and pharmacies) and not so vital but still pretty…

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Holidays are holy (Letter to the Editor)

Holidays are holy I love Debra Keefer Ramage’s essay “Holidays are Holy” in the December 2020 paper. I agree with the core ideas and values, and I hope that our society resets into something more equitable for everyone. However, I question two points: 1) The Israelites probably were not enslaved…

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Yemen, and the endless war

BY KATHY KELLY Recently, an ad from Vote Vets featured the father of a U.S. Navy Seal, Ryan Owen, who was killed in Yemen. Three million people watched it. They heard Ryan Owen’s father urge them not to trust Donald Trump with the lives of their kids. “Look what happened…

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They want you to perfume the sewers

BY MERIDEL LESEUR Editor’s note: The following remarks were delivered in 1988 by video to the Alliance for Cultural Democracy conference in San Francisco. I bring greetings from the Middle West and also from Time. On Feb. 22, I’ll be 88 years old. I’ve been a writer, an artist in…

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