Keep it closed

BY ELINA KOLSTAD The city has tried and failed to reopen the intersection at 38th Street and Chicago Avenue off and on since it was closed down by protestors after George Floyd was killed in May. These efforts have been unsuccessful and I, for one, am grateful to those protecting…

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What is Medicare?

Medicare isn’t just a single health plan. There are various parts, some of which you get from the government and others that you can purchase from private insurance companies. Parts A and B make up what’s known as original Medicare, which comes directly from the government. Part A. You can…

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Cargill demo at MIA

On the eve of the six-year anniversary of Cargill’s pledging to stop clearing forests, 30 Mighty Earth activists gathered at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, which houses a Cargill gallery, to commemorate the commitment and sign an oversized renewal-of-vows contract. The document contained an empty line at the bottom for…

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About smiling

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN During the 1990s, my friend Marie was the director of a shelter for homeless women and children sponsored by a small Christian denomination. I visited her once at the shelter and I could see that she gave her whole heart to her work. She smiled at residents…

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Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Tributes from our staff and readers. My heart is broken.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg has left us.  I am sad and so sorry for everyone who believes in fairness, equality, and kindness.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy will live on in the young and the old who find hope, determination, and inspiration…

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Don Barton changed my life

BY BOB ROSCOE One evening in 1970, Don Barton, a Seward West activist, rang our doorbell at our upper duplex at 2200 23rd Ave. Don introduced himself as a neighbor who lived down the block. He asked me what I knew about the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Seward West…

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Selby Avenue St. Paul in the 2020 Weirds

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE   The western origin point of Selby Avenue in St. Paul is only three blocks west of the river, but the avenue doesn’t start to get interesting until it crosses Fairview (going east) with a tricky-to-maneuver dogleg. It rambles on straightly eastward to Cathedral Hill and…

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A bridge to somewhere

BY ELINA KOLSTAD A pedestrian bridge over I-94 just east of 22nd Avenue in the Seward neighborhood is slated to be replaced. The new bridge will line up with 22nd Avenue. A discussion was sparked on the Seward e-Democracy online forum about the future bridge design. The initial poster proposed…

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‘The Power Hour’ on KFAI

BY NATHAN HOUSE From KFAI studios in Minneapolis, Ethan “Mr. Music” Horace produces his independent music show “The Power Hour” 2.0 on Minnesota Twin Cities Radio. Recently, iHeartRadio syndicated the program, significantly increasing its listenership around the country. Currently, the show features musicians from around the world, but Mr. Music…

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Please, no more martyrs

BY ED FELIEN Jojo Rosenbaum was killed trying to talk Kyle Rittenhouse out of his gun. Anthony Huber was killed trying to knock away Rittenhouse’s gun with a skateboard. Michael Reinoehl was killed by the Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force, a group organized by Erik Prince for Donald Trump.…

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The loopy Loppety plan for Hiawatha

BY KATHRYN KELLY What are we getting with the new Minneapolis Park Board plan for the Hiawatha Golf Course property? *The Disappearing Park – The neighbors who want to keep their little park at 19th Avenue South and East 43rd Street will have to take up golf, because it will…

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BY ED FELIEN Around 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23, Kenosha police officers responded to a reported domestic when a woman called saying her boyfriend was present and was court-ordered not to be on the premises. Officer Rusten Sheskey and his partner tried to detain Jacob Blake. He resisted arrest. They…

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