Conversations on the train

BY ELINA KOLSTAD The other day on the Blue Line train, a woman sitting nearby struck up a conversation with my husband and me. She started by commenting on one of the two people sleeping in our vicinity, noting the woman’s nicely done nails. We all agreed that sometimes all…

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Public housing for seniors

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Welcome to Getting About. This new monthly column will inform you about opportunities for those 60 and older to get out of ruts, make a difference, participate in exciting communities, build new communities, and have more control over your living environment. We’ll be looking at “the…

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Go to your precinct caucus on February 25

BY ED FELIEN There are four important dates to remember: Feb. 25, Precinct Caucuses March 3, Presidential Primary Aug. 11, Primary Election Day Nov. 3, Election Day Precinct Caucuses: On Tuesday night, Feb. 25, the four recognized parties in Minnesota for the 2020 ballot are: Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party 651-293-1200 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party 651-280-7922 Legal Marijuana…

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Take action on nuclear disarmament

BY STEVE MCKEOWN AND MARIE BRAUN The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NNT), which includes Article 6 indicating that the nuclear nations agree to reduce their nuclear arsenals to zero. 2020 also marks the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and…

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Bernie for all of us

Why didn’t the anti-racist movies get any attention at the Oscars and other awards? “Harriet” was certainly one of the best if not the best movie of the year. “Queen and Slim” is so timely and well done, and “Just Mercy” Is just being ignored. It seems that, like the…

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Through the Narrows

Z PUPPETS ROSENSCHNOZ PRESENTS THROUGH THE NARROWS An intimate puppetry experience intertwining stories of the Jews Crossing the Red Sea and the Cherokee Trail of Tears Z Puppets welcomes people to take a place at the table for a uniquely intimate puppetry experience intertwining stories of the Jews Crossing the…

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63B candidate forum

  BY STEPHANIE FOX While most of the country is focused on upcoming presidential caucuses and primaries, voters in parts of South Minneapolis and Richfield had a chance to meet the five candidates who are hoping to fill the legislative seat of retiring DFL State House Representative Jean Wagenius, who…

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Celebrate Mayday update

  BY ED FELIEN “Hey, all of Minneapolis, Mayday is happening,” says Jason Heisler. He organized a fundraiser at Palmer’s Bar: “Feb 2. Noon – 9 p.m., The Super Puppet Bowl. Several bands, a Palmer’s puppet show, raffle, silent auction, contraptions, street performers, T-shirts, and special guests.” David Senn wrote…

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Race, sex and policing

BY TONY BOUZA I had lunch the other day with a bright, educated liberal. He fulminated over the Left’s excesses, going overboard on race, etc., etc. I disagreed with him vehemently. We have made progress: 1619-1865: slavery; 1865-1965: Jim Crow; 1965-present: incarceration. White society uses its cops to keep blacks…

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