Ed Felien

Columns by Ed Felien

Ed has been the owner and editor of Southside Pride since 1991, writing articles and essays.

Southside Pride Sample Ballot

Mayor Ray Dehn City Council Ward 6: Mohamud Noor Ward 8: Andrea Jenkins Ward 9: Alondra Cano Ward 12: Andrew Johnson Park Board At-Large Meg Forney, Mike Derus, Charlie Casserly Park Board District 3 Charles Exner or Abdi Gurhan Mohamed Park Board District 5 Bill Shroyer

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Honey Badger don’t give a damn!

BY ED FELIEN Honey Badger don’t give a damn. ‘bout who you are or who I am. Honey Badger don’t give a damn.   Get out of his way.  He’s off the rails. He’s acting crazy.  He can’t be stopped. He’s gonna take it over the top.   Honey Badger…

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BY ED FELIEN Before the Open Meeting Law, politicians decided destinies in smoke-filled rooms. Of course, that was also before the laws against smoking indoors. After the election, I was invited by Louis DeMars to a meeting at the Leamington Hotel to organize city government: free food, free booze, lots…

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The future of Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN Hiawatha Golf Course got a stay of execution. The Park Board rescinded its motion to stop pumping at Hiawatha Golf Course in three years and moved the date up to five years. So, now, in five years, the Park Board will ask the Department of Natural Resources…

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We like Ray Dehn for mayor

BY ED FELIEN We like Ray Dehn for mayor. We think he understands the problems we face in Minneapolis: “Centuries of over-policing and misconduct have created a fundamental distrust of police by people of color and indigenous communities (POCI)”; “Every person deserves to live in a safe, quality, affordable home.…

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Lock him up!

BY ED FELIEN Citizen’s Complaint against Trump Attention Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman: As you know, there were a record 144 opioid-related overdose deaths in 2016 in Hennepin County. I had the opportunity recently to report on a public meeting with Chief Arrandondo and Inspector Johnson of the 3rd Precinct.…

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For mayor, Ray Dehn

BY ED FELIEN We like Ray Dehn for mayor. We think he understands the problems we face in Minneapolis: “Centuries of over-policing and misconduct have created a fundamental distrust of police by people of color and indigenous communities (POCI)”; “Every person deserves to live in a safe, quality, affordable home. …

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Requiem for a heavyweight

BY ED FELIEN Someone criticized me in a public forum saying, “Ed and the rest of the Hiawatha duffers are purposefully ignoring the facts because they want to continue to do what they have always done, where they have done it, whenever they want to do it; we’ve wasted enough…

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Requiem for a heavyweight

BY ED FELIEN Someone criticized me in a public forum saying, “Ed and the rest of the Hiawatha duffers are purposefully ignoring the facts because they want to continue to do what they have always done, where they have done it, whenever they want to do it; we’ve wasted enough…

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Meet the Chief

BY ED FELIEN Council Member Alondra Cano hosted a public meeting at Mercado Central to meet the new police chief, Madaria Arradondo, on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Mercado Central is on Bloomington and Lake, a major intersection for drugs and prostitution.  Cano has been trying to increase police presence on Bloomington…

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Are we supporting right-wing terrorism?

BY ED FELIEN “On Monday evening, Nov. 24, the week of Thanksgiving, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney released the findings of the grand jury in the case of Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting and killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. As expected, the grand jury chose not to indict…

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