Ed Felien

Columns by Ed Felien

Ed has been the owner and editor of Southside Pride since 1991, writing articles and essays.

For mayor, Ray Dehn

BY ED FELIEN We like Ray Dehn for mayor. We think he understands the problems we face in Minneapolis: “Centuries of over-policing and misconduct have created a fundamental distrust of police by people of color and indigenous communities (POCI)”; “Every person deserves to live in a safe, quality, affordable home. …

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Requiem for a heavyweight

BY ED FELIEN Someone criticized me in a public forum saying, “Ed and the rest of the Hiawatha duffers are purposefully ignoring the facts because they want to continue to do what they have always done, where they have done it, whenever they want to do it; we’ve wasted enough…

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Requiem for a heavyweight

BY ED FELIEN Someone criticized me in a public forum saying, “Ed and the rest of the Hiawatha duffers are purposefully ignoring the facts because they want to continue to do what they have always done, where they have done it, whenever they want to do it; we’ve wasted enough…

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Meet the Chief

BY ED FELIEN Council Member Alondra Cano hosted a public meeting at Mercado Central to meet the new police chief, Madaria Arradondo, on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Mercado Central is on Bloomington and Lake, a major intersection for drugs and prostitution.  Cano has been trying to increase police presence on Bloomington…

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Are we supporting right-wing terrorism?

BY ED FELIEN “On Monday evening, Nov. 24, the week of Thanksgiving, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney released the findings of the grand jury in the case of Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting and killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. As expected, the grand jury chose not to indict…

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Meet the Chief

BY ED FELIEN Council Member Alondra Cano hosted a public meeting at Mercado Central to meet the new police chief, Madaria Arradondo, on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Mercado Central is on Bloomington and Lake, a major intersection for drugs and prostitution.  Cano has been trying to increase police presence on Bloomington…

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Requiem for a heavyweight

BY ED FELIEN Someone criticized me in a public forum saying, “Ed and the rest of the Hiawatha duffers are purposefully ignoring the facts because they want to continue to do what they have always done, where they have done it, whenever they want to do it; we’ve wasted enough…

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A new police chief?

BY ED FELIEN We do not need a change of the Palace Guard. Replacing the chief of police is not the solution to the problem with the Minneapolis Police Department. The problem is there is no accountability. The MPD officers believe they are above the law. They believe their badge…

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‘Young people speakin’ their minds Getting so much resistance from behind It’s time we stop Hey, what’s that sound? Everybody look – what’s going down?’ –Stephen Stills ‘Social clubs in drag disguise’ –Bob Dylan

BY ED FELIEN And they burned the bridges behind them. A new generation came to take their place, so they fought back.  They wore the machinery down; ground the process to dust; exhausted them; outlasted them, and they remained intact. The DFL establishment that ran the City DFL Convention was…

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