
Go to your precinct caucus on February 25

BY ED FELIEN There are four important dates to remember: Feb. 25, Precinct Caucuses March 3, Presidential Primary Aug. 11, Primary Election Day Nov. 3, Election Day Precinct Caucuses: On Tuesday night, Feb. 25, the four recognized parties in Minnesota for the 2020 ballot are: Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party 651-293-1200 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party 651-280-7922 Legal Marijuana…

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Go to your precinct caucus on February 25

BY ED FELIEN There are four important dates to remember: Feb. 25, Precinct Caucuses March 3, Presidential Primary Aug. 11, Primary Election Day Nov. 3, Election Day Precinct caucuses On Tuesday night, Feb. 25, the four recognized parties in Minnesota for the 2020 ballot are: Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party 651-293-1200 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis…

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Andrew and Sean talk safety in the ‘hood

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Standish-Ericsson Neighborhood Association (SENA) hosted an open meeting under the auspices of the Crime and Safety Committee on Jan. 22 at Sibley Park. Executive director of SENA Candace Lopez played host, and two expert speakers—Council Member Andrew Johnson (Ward 12) and Inspector Sean McGinty (Precinct 3)—were…

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Dahnn Polnau

BY ED FELIEN Mike Hazard probably wrote the best obituary for Dahnn. It’s on Facebook: Dhann Polnau reveled in puppetry. Daniel Polnau was Dan Dan the Puppet Man, Magick Man, Decolonizer of Darkness, Wizard’s Magician, a weirdo, a saint, and a fabricator of tall tales of the highest caliber, a…

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Celebrate Mayday update

  BY ED FELIEN “Hey, all of Minneapolis, Mayday is happening,” says Jason Heisler. He organized a fundraiser at Palmer’s Bar: “Feb 2. Noon – 9 p.m., The Super Puppet Bowl. Several bands, a Palmer’s puppet show, raffle, silent auction, contraptions, street performers, T-shirts, and special guests.” David Senn wrote…

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Race, sex and policing

BY TONY BOUZA I had lunch the other day with a bright, educated liberal. He fulminated over the Left’s excesses, going overboard on race, etc., etc. I disagreed with him vehemently. We have made progress: 1619-1865: slavery; 1865-1965: Jim Crow; 1965-present: incarceration. White society uses its cops to keep blacks…

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Curvy Girls

BY ISABELLA MORDEN-WHEELDON Curvy Girls is a global network of peer-led support groups for girls up to age 18 suffering from scoliosis. For those unfamiliar with the condition, scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that tends to occur in girls during adolescence. Treatments usually involve a plastic back…

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BY ELINA KOLSTAD As we enter a new decade, Australia is burning, and in Minneapolis two fires killed residents in affordable housing units in recent months. While bush fires are a common occurrence in Australia, climate scientists have long warned that fires would get worse and here we are. The…

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My wish list for the 2020s

BY JOHN CHARLES WILSON This is the 50th year since public ownership of transit began in the Twin Cities. As such, I find it appropriate to go over the past decades and how the MTC (later MCTO and finally Metro Transit) has performed, and what should be in store in…

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The high cost of gentrification

BY JOE HESLA If you rent in Minneapolis, times are bad and getting worse. Since the light rail and the phase 2 of the Greenway were completed in 2004, a lot of market rate (read gentrification) apartment buildings have been built along both corridors. Three examples: The Station 38 apartment…

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Longfellow visits Minnehaha

BY ED FELIEN Minnehaha Senior Living, an assisted-living community located in South Minneapolis, has recently added a new library for its tenants and dedicated it to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the poet famous for writing “The Song of Hiawatha.” Doug Ernst, a local historian and Longfellow reenactment presenter, came to Minnehaha…

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