
How the world works

BY RICHARD TAYLOR In his book “The Grand Chessboard,” Jimmy Carter’s former National Security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, with refreshing candor, “The three grand imperatives of imperial geo-strategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians…

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TRIPARTITE brings together three distinctly different “street artists” to share the gallery walls at Modus Locus. In this exhibit, each artist brings their own unique perspective to their somewhat elusive public art endeavors. GROE’s body of work embodies and reveals the relationships active graffiti participants encounter: the bold, colorful, calculated…

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You can work for climate justice

BY ALLISON ANDRADE The U.N. warns that the world is “on course to exceed the temperature threshold” of warming, meaning another 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) above that set out in the Paris climate agreement. Many cities and community organizations in our country have set out to hold themselves…

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Better transit needs better roads

BY JOHN CHARLES WILSON There are internet forums where people discuss every issue under the sun. Yes, even obscure subjects like public transit have their own online discussion groups. And, as you can guess, many people in those groups have the “transit vs. roads” or “transit vs. cars” misconception. Interestingly…

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MN350 meets with Cargill executives

Members of the MN350 Solutions Committee met with Cargill executives on July 11 to make them aware of changes they could make to benefit the environment. When the activists arrived at Cargill corporate headquarters in Wayzata, they were not allowed to enter the building but rather were escorted by security…

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Community disempowerment in Minneapolis

BY DAVID TILSEN The East Phillips neighborhood has experienced more than its share of outrages. It holds a superfund site called the “Asbestos Triangle,” continues to have polluting industries like bituminous roadways and foundries, saw much of its land taken by Abbot Northwestern Hospital, and continues to be ground zero…

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The subtle art of losing

BY TONY BOUZA Every essay is a drip between the Scylla of truth and the Charybdis of offending. What is your responsibility to readership? It is really a sort of sacred trust and central to my pretensions to integrity—pathetic though they be. The reader must be served. The writer is…

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Back to the ‘20s?

BY KATHRYN KELLY At the last Hiawatha Community Advisory Committee meeting in June, Assistant Minneapolis Park Board Superintendent Michael Schroeder referred to my research about constructed wetlands, and stated that the Park Board is not doing a constructed wetland; they are doing wetland restoration. I researched constructed wetlands because the…

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What Would Crazy Horse Do?

Turtle Theater Collective is proud to present the regional premiere of “What Would Crazy Horse Do?” by Larissa FastHorse, an award-winning playwright, director and choreographer and an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. It’s a dark comedy set on a Lakota reservation in South Dakota, loosely based on real…

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Outstanding Refugee Award

Human Services Commissioner Tony Lourey presented an Outstanding Refugee Award to Adan Ibrahim, a volunteer at Franklin Learning Center, for his commitment to helping people on their path to becoming U.S. citizens. Since 2009, he has volunteered more than 3,000 hours.  “Ibrahim demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to his community,” Lourey…

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First Nations Kitchen

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Southside Pride has been running the following in our Phillips/Powderhorn edition and on our website for a long time: *All Saints Episcopal Indian Mission 3044 Longfellow Ave. –Sundays 5:30-6:30 p.m. First Nations Kitchen: Healthy, organic dinners in setting of radical hospitality. Serving since November 2010! To learn…

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Please stop lying to us!

BY ED FELIEN The June 7th Update to the Hiawatha Golf Course Master Plan Frequently Asked Questions says, “In September 2015, the MPRB received information regarding groundwater pumping at the golf course that required a re-evaluation of the long-term plan for the golf course property.” From whom, saying what? Did…

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