Peace on earth holiday vigil

Are you feeling helpless and hopeless because of the madness in Washington? Take some time this holiday season to speak out for peace:  No War for the Holidays is the theme for the peace vigil on Dec. 20. Several Twin Cities area peace and anti-war groups have issued a call urging people…

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Myths, shibboleths and dogma

BY TONY BOUZA The job sucks. The Chief is a psycho. We’re going to hell in a handbasket. Morale has never been lower. These are a few of the bromides that drive police thinking. Civilians, though, are looking at Atlantis and don’t know it. An unfathomable world, several fathoms deep.…

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Other December holidays share Christmas traits

Hanukkah Menorah

BY STEPHANIE FOX In December, Christmas takes over everything. Christmas music is everywhere, dozens of TV specials and shows have Christmas themes, decorations with Christmas themes fill homes, stores and the streets. Anything winter related becomes a symbol of Christmas, from toy soldiers to snowflakes to bells to stars to…

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How do you earn your way out of poverty?

It’s good to open a discussion on poverty. I appreciate Joe Selvaggio’s article in that regard. However, his tone makes one think that he lives miles and miles from the people who find themselves, for many, many different reasons, without the means to survive. His deprecating tone is disturbing. And…

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Let’s put the less fortunate to work

BY JOE SELVAGGIO Upon reading the amazing book “Amazing MN” by Lee Lynch, I found myself smug and proud of my adoptive state, Minnesota.  Fact after fact, picture after picture evoked, “Wow, I’m lucky to live here.” We have invested wisely in literacy and education, recreational sites, arts, sports teams…

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Shoreline or swamp: A passionate opinion

BY DEANNA BOSS On Thursday, Nov. 30, about 40 people filled a room at the Nokomis Community Center to learn more about the proposed Lake Nokomis Shoreline Enhancements project. The meeting was hosted by the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and representatives from the contractors selected to do the work.…

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Take down the dam/weir!

There is a dam/weir blocking the outlet to Lake Nokomis. This has caused the water table in the neighborhood to rise. The dam/weir was built in 1964. South Minneapolis mythology has it that Vice President Humphrey had the U.S. Corps of Engineers build the dam/weir to hold back the water…

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We need a new city attorney

BY ED FELIEN This is the interregnum—that period between regimes, when the new government begins to organize themselves and the old government packs up and leaves. The new City Council will be deciding who will be president, who will be majority leader and who will head up the various committees.…

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