Your body aging — gracefully

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE In 2008, at age 55, I lived in a small town in England. I had recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and my blood glucose and cholesterol numbers were high too, though not demanding treatment. I started an exercise regimen at a private gym in…

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Sartorial splendor

BY TONY BOUZA By 1975 women were entering police ranks in great numbers. They’d been piling up at the gates for years and then the dam broke. I am very proud of my role as an expert in demolishing the barriers. The Southern Poverty Law Center sued to eliminate the…

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Celebrate Mayday

Dear Ed Felien, Deb Keefer Ramage, and Dave Tilsen: I saw the heading “Celebrate Mayday,” so of course I had to pick up this issue: The November 2019 Nokomis edition. I am glad that you wish to see Mayday celebrations continue, and that you wish to uphold the Free Speech…

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BY ED FELIEN Obnoxious plutocrats and Donald Trump have given golf a bad name. That’s too bad, because it really has an honorable history. It’s probably the oldest game played with a stick and a ball. Our ancestors in Egypt, thousands of years before they crossed the Sinai Desert into…

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Millennials Gone Mad

BY ED FELIEN What happened? There are revolutionary changes happening in Minneapolis, and I don’t remember voting on them. Robespierre had more of a mandate for his Reign of Terror than Bender and Frey do for their changes that are transforming Minneapolis. The city’s so-called “Inclusionary Zoning” has marked the…

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‘Git outta here!’

BY ED FELIEN That’s what it sounds like, “Git outta here!” The Planning Commission last month just approved zoning changes that will ultimately mean the removal of communities of color and those of us who live in the inner city in affordable housing and replace us with Young Urban Professionals…

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BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE This holiday season, I am contemplating redemption. I am initially inspired by a nontraditional modern Christmas carol by Bruce Cockburn, dating from an album released in the early 1990s, “Cry of a Tiny Babe.” The chorus proclaims, “Redemption rips through the surface of time in the…

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Transactional Analysis

BY TONY BOUZA Once a guy gets to my age, he needs to ask himself whether he’s ever engaged in sexual harassment, in any form: “An unexamined life . . . “ Well? After a mental search, I remembered. It was August 1994. Erica was selling her jewelry at the…

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Celebrate Mayday

BY ED FELIEN Please help us celebrate Mayday next spring, on Sunday, May 3, in Powderhorn Park. Like everyone else, we were shocked and saddened by Heart of the Beast’s decision to cancel their participation and organizing of Mayday for next spring. Last January HOBT started telling the press that…

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