Neighbors protest

Diamond Lake neighbors gather every weeknight at Chicago Avenue and the Parkway as a protest, part of the “Stand on Every Corner” movement. The national grassroots movement started in Minneapolis by Bryce Tache on July 21 has grown to 233 locations with more being added every week. The protests will…

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Vote for Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison: Stands with Bernie Sanders. Ranked most liberal in the Minnesota Delegation to Congress by GovTrac. “I am working to advance gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) equality in Congress by ending existing discrimination written in federal laws, giving law enforcement tools to pursue perpetrators of hate crimes, and…

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Still out of control, Part Two

BY ED FELIEN Last month we published my criticism of racism in the Minneapolis Police Department, “Still out of control.” Bob left this message on our voice mail: “This message is for Ed Felien. Ed, Bob Kroll, Minneapolis Police Federation. “I just read your most recent hatchet job on, uh,…

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The end is near! Repent!

BY TONY BOUZA Today I am 90. No, it’s not my birthday, only one of 365 days. Never thought (like death) it’d happen to me. And the point? Only a few ignorant musings. I am more convinced than ever that I am but a worm on the planet, along with…

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Who shall rule this American nation?

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The above is the title and call line of a political ballad of 1866 written by then popular but now largely forgotten composer and lyricist Henry Clay Work. You may be familiar with one or two of his better-received works, either 1865’s triumphant martial air “Marching…

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Stop Endless Wars!

BY MICHAEL LIVINGSTON The students in my college classes do not remember a time when the U.S. was not at war in the Middle East. Born in 1999, they were two years old when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and four when the U.S. invaded Iraq. All they know is endless…

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Down with Boulder Dam

BY ED FELIEN On Sept. 9 I sent the following email to Superintendent of Parks Mary Merrill: Hi Superintendent Merrill, Would you please direct staff to remove the boulder dam/weir under the 30th Avenue Footbridge that is obstructing the flow of Minnehaha Creek, as indicated in the Barr Engineering study.…

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Some interesting things to check out on East 42nd Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Mexican-American culture is osmosing through South Minneapolis for sure, and it’s in glorious evidence along 42nd Street. Just up the hill from El Colegio, a publicly supported charter high school “rooted in the Latinx experience,” there are two small businesses across the street from each other…

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BY ED FELIEN I loved the façade on the Modern Cleaners building ever since I first saw it as a small child looking out the window of a Chicago Avenue bus. It seemed so sleek, so smooth, so modern. The architectural style is Streamline Moderne, a final flourish of Art…

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What’s happening at the Y

In a letter dated Aug. 3, 2018, Minneapolis YWCA management, without prior consultation with members, decreed that it would impose a pay-to-park system with gates to go into effect in September at the Midtown Y. Parking had always been free at Midtown, one of its attractions. Although the letter was…

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Roads—high and low

BY TONY BOUZA “They go low, we go high.” Thus, did that classy First Lady, Michelle Obama, abjure us to take the high road. Then we have Rep. Maxine Waters tempting us to the low road. All those lunch counter sit-ins ignored. What did it all mean? Think of the…

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