Category: Nokomis
Save Hiawatha Golf Course
Healing body and/or soul on Bloomington Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Although primarily a residential avenue, Bloomington Avenue has a plethora of small businesses, quite a few of them dedicated to wellness of one kind or another. There are also a few venerable but unconventional churches on or near Bloomington, which adds up to many varied resources…
Open Streets on Franklin Avenue
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Living organisms continue peculiar habits
A new police chief?
Save Lake Hiawatha: Stop using chemicals on your lawn!

BY SEAN CONNAUGHTY To understand the problems facing Lake Hiawatha it is first important to understand how water flows in our community. As part of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed, whatever goes into our storm drains on our streets goes directly into Lake Hiawatha and Minnehaha Creek, which then flows into the Mississippi…
Save Hiawatha Golf Course
“Young people speakin’ their minds Getting so much resistance from behind It’s time we stop Hey, what’s that sound? Everybody look – what’s going down?” — Stephen Stills “Social clubs in drag disguise” — Bob Dylan
Highland Park: poised between past and future
Open Streets 2017 – Now with more Minnehaha Avenue

BY TONY BOUZA Humans learned the importance of controlling the extremes of other humans very early on—about contemporaneous with learning of the efficiency and importance of conveying their messages and controlling behavior. Artists were called “the antenna of the race” by a poet who saw them as key definers of…
QUEEN OF CUISINE: Still stable—and how!

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Spoon and Stable 211 North First Street 612-224-9850 Inquiring minds want to know—inquiring foodies, anyway. The first time I wrote about the Warehouse District’s Spoon and Stable was soon after its opening in 2014. I loved Chef/Patron Gavin Kayson’s emphasis on cold-weather comfort food—his granny’s pot…
CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT MAOIST: The murder of Mark Salzer, winter, 1971

BY ED FELIEN Later that winter we heard about the murder of Mark Salzer by an undercover narcotics officer of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). James Decowski befriended Mark and then busted him. He was in his apartment with his girlfriend. The cop pulled a gun. Mark knocked over a lamp. The cop shot and…