Ed Felien

Columns by Ed Felien

Ed has been the owner and editor of Southside Pride since 1991, writing articles and essays.


BY ED FELIEN April. “When April the sweet showers fall And pierce the drought of March to the root, and all The veins are bathed in liquor of such power As brings about the engendering of the flowers.” —Chaucer “April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead…

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Will the Park Board sink the Bergan’s apartment bulding?

BY ED FELIEN I asked City Council Member Andrew Johnson on Dec. 27, 2019, whether the Park Board’s plans to reduce pumping water from the Hiawatha Golf Course would compromise the footings for the Bergan’s Supervalu construction project. The 2017 analysis by the Park Board (<https://www.minneapolisparks.org/_asset/0rc7ml/February-2017-Stormwater-Surface-Water-and-Groundwater-Analysis-Summary.pdf>) provides no clue. Figure…

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Justice for Terrance Franklin

BY ED FELIEN Sen. Susan Collins justified her vote by stating that the president had learned a “pretty big lesson” from impeachment and that he would be “much more cautious in the future.” City Council President Lisa Bender said, “I think our policy changes in the police department, leadership changes,…

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The future of Franklin Avenue

BY ED FELIEN   Thursday, March 5, from 4 to 7 pm, Hennepin County will be sponsoring a Franklin Ave. Open House at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Ave. The county will be presenting, for public review, designs for the future of Franklin Avenue. Our Streets has had a profound…

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Go to your precinct caucus on February 25

BY ED FELIEN There are four important dates to remember: Feb. 25, Precinct Caucuses March 3, Presidential Primary Aug. 11, Primary Election Day Nov. 3, Election Day Precinct Caucuses: On Tuesday night, Feb. 25, the four recognized parties in Minnesota for the 2020 ballot are: Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party 651-293-1200 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party 651-280-7922 Legal Marijuana…

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Go to your precinct caucus on February 25

BY ED FELIEN There are four important dates to remember: Feb. 25, Precinct Caucuses March 3, Presidential Primary Aug. 11, Primary Election Day Nov. 3, Election Day Precinct caucuses On Tuesday night, Feb. 25, the four recognized parties in Minnesota for the 2020 ballot are: Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party 651-293-1200 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis…

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Dahnn Polnau

BY ED FELIEN Mike Hazard probably wrote the best obituary for Dahnn. It’s on Facebook: Dhann Polnau reveled in puppetry. Daniel Polnau was Dan Dan the Puppet Man, Magick Man, Decolonizer of Darkness, Wizard’s Magician, a weirdo, a saint, and a fabricator of tall tales of the highest caliber, a…

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Celebrate Mayday update

  BY ED FELIEN “Hey, all of Minneapolis, Mayday is happening,” says Jason Heisler. He organized a fundraiser at Palmer’s Bar: “Feb 2. Noon – 9 p.m., The Super Puppet Bowl. Several bands, a Palmer’s puppet show, raffle, silent auction, contraptions, street performers, T-shirts, and special guests.” David Senn wrote…

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Longfellow visits Minnehaha

BY ED FELIEN Minnehaha Senior Living, an assisted-living community located in South Minneapolis, has recently added a new library for its tenants and dedicated it to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the poet famous for writing “The Song of Hiawatha.” Doug Ernst, a local historian and Longfellow reenactment presenter, came to Minnehaha…

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The New French Bakery is closing

  BY ED FELIEN The New French Bakery is closing its retail store at 26th and 26th. Hillary Oppmann of the Seward Civic and Commerce Association says, “The good news is the business itself is not closing, just the retail outlet. The company will continue to make their frozen breads…

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We’re changing

BY ED FELIEN Beginning in January we’re going to change the way we deliver Southside Pride. Each of our three editions will be will be available at 100 convenient locations: at businesses, libraries, churches and community centers. Home delivery will be discontinued. It was a lot of hard work, but…

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Donald, the cornered rat

BY ED FELIEN The walls are closing in on you. Everybody knows your game. It’s all coming out now, your connections to the Russian Mob. How they bought condos at Trump Tower and had them repossessed by the feds for money laundering. How they gave you tons of money when…

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Celebrate Mayday

Dear Ed Felien, Deb Keefer Ramage, and Dave Tilsen: I saw the heading “Celebrate Mayday,” so of course I had to pick up this issue: The November 2019 Nokomis edition. I am glad that you wish to see Mayday celebrations continue, and that you wish to uphold the Free Speech…

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BY ED FELIEN Obnoxious plutocrats and Donald Trump have given golf a bad name. That’s too bad, because it really has an honorable history. It’s probably the oldest game played with a stick and a ball. Our ancestors in Egypt, thousands of years before they crossed the Sinai Desert into…

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Millennials Gone Mad

BY ED FELIEN What happened? There are revolutionary changes happening in Minneapolis, and I don’t remember voting on them. Robespierre had more of a mandate for his Reign of Terror than Bender and Frey do for their changes that are transforming Minneapolis. The city’s so-called “Inclusionary Zoning” has marked the…

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