Stephanie Fox

Stephanie FoxStephanie Fox has won two awards from the Society of Professional Journalists for her articles. She lives in South Minneapolis with her husband David, a martial arts instructor, and her two bulldogs, Quigley and Lazlow.

Open Streets Lyndale is an autumn celebration

BY STEPHANIE FOX Open Streets Lyndale, the final Open Streets event for the season, will be held on Oct. 8 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lyndale Avenue will be closed to motor traffic from 42nd Street to 22nd Street, and open to pedestrians, bikes, rollerblades and skateboards. The street…

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One last summer fling at Open Streets Minnehaha

BY STEPHANIE FOX The Minneapolis neighborhood celebration known as Open Streets will have its final festival for 2022 with Open Streets Minnehaha, in the Longfellow neighborhood on Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The street will be closed to all motor vehicle traffic between East Lake Street and…

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A happy ending

BY STEPHANIE FOX Linda Taylor, known to her friends and neighbors as Miss Linda, had lived in her rented home for more than 18 years, raising her five kids in the two-bedroom, one-bath home in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. Then, last January, her life was upended. Her landlord…

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It’s spring! Time to renovate, remodel and grow

BY STEPHANIE FOX To misquote the poet Tennyson, in the spring a homeowner’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of … repair and remodeling. But where to start? “Your house is the most intimate place in your life and when people go through personal changes, they call us,” said Donnie Kimbler…

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