Stephanie Fox
Stephanie Fox has won two awards from the Society of Professional Journalists for her articles. She lives in South Minneapolis with her husband David, a martial arts instructor, and her two bulldogs, Quigley and Lazlow.
BY STEPHANIE FOX Open Streets Lyndale, the final Open Streets event for the season, will be held on Oct. 8 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lyndale Avenue will be closed to motor traffic from 42nd Street to 22nd Street, and open to pedestrians, bikes, rollerblades and skateboards. The street…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX In a Franklin Avenue strip mall devoted to serving members of the Minnesota Native American community is a quiet, shaded patio with a new addition – a Little Free Library. This particular library is unique to Minneapolis, filled with books written by Native American authors or with…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX Open Streets is a Minneapolis tradition, a series of summer street festivals where, for an afternoon, neighborhood thoroughfares are blocked off to motorized traffic and open for pedestrians, bikes, skaters and skateboarders (and dogs on leashes). Organized by Our Streets Minneapolis, Open Streets is a program of…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX Summer means Minnesotans finally come out of hiding and head out into the streets, flocking to outdoor celebrations. The first Open Streets, scheduled for Saturday, June 10, is expected to bring Twin Citizens to East Lake Street to enjoy the crowds and the sunny weather. This is…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX In 1891, 17 years before Richfield officially became a city, John Elsen bought a small property at 7730 Portland Ave. and soon opened a blacksmith shop. He did not imagine that in 2023, his shop would become the city’s longest continuing operating business. And during those 130…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX It’s another frigid Monday afternoon in mid-March and the lines of people are already beginning to form outside of New Creations Ministries, a South Minneapolis church at the corner of 51st Street and 13th Avenue. It’s an hour before the food shelf opens to the public. Senior…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX The latest production at the Children’s Theatre is “Locomotion,” a story about an 11-year-old Black boy, Lonnie, who is coping with loss and upheaval in his life. The story shifts back and forth between the present and Lonnie’s memories, both good and bad. He is living in…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX For most people in Minnesota, getting to the polls to vote means driving (or biking) to an early voting center or to their local precinct on election day to fill out a ballot. Easy-peasy. Minnesota has same-day registration and does not require registered voters to show an…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX The Minneapolis neighborhood celebration known as Open Streets will have its final festival for 2022 with Open Streets Minnehaha, in the Longfellow neighborhood on Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The street will be closed to all motor vehicle traffic between East Lake Street and…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX Open Streets is back after a pandemic pause. One of the most popular of these (usually) annual events is Open Streets East Lake, held this year on Aug. 13, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This area of Minneapolis is recovering not only from COVID-19 but also…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX Linda Taylor, known to her friends and neighbors as Miss Linda, had lived in her rented home for more than 18 years, raising her five kids in the two-bedroom, one-bath home in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. Then, last January, her life was upended. Her landlord…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX This year, the Minneapolis celebration called Open Streets is back after COVID shut down events around the city. But on Sunday, July 10, from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., East Franklin Avenue from Portland to 26th Avenue will again be closed to motor vehicle traffic and open…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX Nearly 95% of American households have at least one member with a bank account. But among Blacks, that number is only 46%. That means that for many, even the simple act of cashing a paycheck means paying a fee to payday lenders. For these families, establishing creditworthiness…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX Open Streets, now a Minneapolis yearly summer tradition, started as part of a movement to put people before cars on city streets around the world. “We do this to invite folks to play, walk, bike and roll, experience the streets in a different way, imagining cities designed…
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BY STEPHANIE FOX To misquote the poet Tennyson, in the spring a homeowner’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of … repair and remodeling. But where to start? “Your house is the most intimate place in your life and when people go through personal changes, they call us,” said Donnie Kimbler…
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