

FROM SAVEHIAWATHA18 WHITE PAPER Harry Davis Jr. stated in his Black Golf History presentation on Nov. 14, 2018, that Hiawatha Golf Course is more than a golf course in the City of Minneapolis, it is an INSTITUTION! Opened in 1934, Hiawatha Golf Course has served the South Minneapolis community for…

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The Loppet Slush Fund

FROM SAVEHIAWATHA18 WHITE PAPER In 2016, the MPRB entered into a contract with The Loppet to take over Winter Sports Activities for the MPRB and to implement new contruction at Theodore Wirth Golf Course to accommodate the Loppet and Loppet-related activites. For 2017, it is still unclear what the effect…

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Independent Bookstore Day

BY LAURA HALL With the invention of Kindle and eBooks, many would think that bookstores would be a thing of the past—but this is not the case. Many of us still delight in aimlessly wondering around a bookstore in search of that perfect book, and on Saturday, April 27, in…

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Old books in a new paradigm

BY DEB KEEFER RAMAGE In the vibrant neighborhoods surrounding Chicago Avenue and 48th Street, it’s easy to forget about home-based businesses. Many are so home-based that there’s no sign in the window, no trucks pull up to the door, no clients park on the tree-lined block. One extremely private way…

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P. D. Blues

BY TONY BOUZA Around 1966, the NYPD was assailed by the police union as an unfit place to work. The cops were miserable. Morale had never been lower. The troops wallowed in lachrymose self-pity and the Fourth Estate lapped it up. What a fun time they were all having. My…

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Powderhorn Lake and Hiawatha Golf

BY KATHRYN KELLY What do Powderhorn Lake and Hiawatha Golf Course have in common? Water!! The plans proposed by the Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board (MPRB) for reduced pumping at the Hiawatha Golf Course will increase water levels in the Minneapolis neighborhoods as far away as Powderhorn Lake. The MPRB…

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Hiawatha Golf Course again

BY TERESA ENGSTROM Here I go again, banging my head against the brick wall that is the Minneapolis Park Board. Staff and commissioners all inclusive. I was totally gobsmacked at the Community Advisory Committee meeting held at Powderhorn Park Thursday night, March 7, 2019. The Park Board had the temerity…

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Can transit appeal to the middle class?

BY JOHN CHARLES WILSON Metro Transit has recently announced an initiative to get control of bad behavior on our transit system, especially on the light rail trains. The idea is to make the system more appealing to “choice” riders—that is, those who have a choice as to whether or not…

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Reader hurt by Methodist Church decision

I was raised as a Methodist at a church in southwest Minneapolis and converted to Unitarianism about a decade and half ago. I know the mainline Protestant churches have struggled with GLBT issues recently (or GLOW, which I like more—the Gay/lesbian/or whatever label, which is even more open to others).…

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PRIDE program helps sex trafficking survivors

BY LORENA PINTO As a native of Peru, I never imagined living in sub-zero temperatures, let alone walking snowy streets to provide outreach to sex trafficking survivors. But every week, staff from The Family Partnership’s PRIDE program and the Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (MIWRC) walk in the Phillips and…

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Minneapolis 2040: Let’s define affordable

BY ELINA KOLSTAD Many people support the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan because they believe it will increase “affordable” housing in the city. Two arguments are put forward to support this claim. The first is that removing the requirement to provide off-street parking will reduce the cost for developers to build…

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Spring Parade of Homes

Spring Parade of Homes It’s time for the Spring Parade of Homes. Until March 31, you can tour 472 new homes Thursdays to Sundays from 12 to 6 p.m. It’s free except for four Dream Homes where you’ll be asked to pay a $5 admission at the door. Proceeds from…

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