3rd Precinct update

Third Precinct Advisory Council (3PAC) Minutes July 11, 2022 Meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Gwen McMahon at 6:39 p.m. 17 attendees. Treasurer’s report: Doris Overby, Treasurer, balance of $1457.73 in our checking account at Wings Financial. Check to reimburse Gwen McMahon will be written shortly for $561.12. Minutes:…
Born with a mission
Graffiti – art and crime

BY KAY SCHROVEN Crime Graffiti is a polarizing issue. Some regard it as art that should be preserved, perhaps even in a museum, like Banksy, whose work was recently on display in North Minneapolis and who remains unidentified. It is said that he remains unidentified to protect himself from authorities…
Open Streets East Lake will help to reclaim the neighborhood
Who’s on the DFL primary ballot?

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Senate District 63 has only one incumbent, Rep. Emma Greenman of 63B, who was endorsed by acclamation. Running for Senate to replace retiring Sen. Patricia Torres Ray is Zaynab Mohamed, who was also previously endorsed by Twin Cities DSA, among others. Mohamed was endorsed without major…
Guns ‘R’ Us

BY LYDIA HOWELL In my home state of Texas, laws have gone gun-crazy. And Minnesota isn’t as sensible as I believed. For conceal and carry permits, laws were changed from “sheriffs may issue” – allowing some caution – to “shall issue,” putting more guns in public places. Echoing national challenges,…
Summer on Cedar Avenue
Primary election in August: How to vote
3rd Precinct update

BY KAY SCHROVEN 3rd Precinct Advisory Council (3-PAC) 3-PAC is an inclusive organization whose purpose is to foster communication among residents, businesses and the police, serving the 3rd Precinct with a common goal of community safety. The group meets monthly (usually the second Monday), currently at the Corcoran Park building…
Gun control
2040 lawsuit

BY CAM GORDON On June 15, Judge Joseph R. Klein ordered the city of Minneapolis to immediately stop any ongoing implementation of the 2040 Plan until the city satisfies the requirements of the Minnesota Environmental Rights Act (MERA), which could include completing an environmental assessment. On June 20, the city…