Mohamed Noor resentenced

BY ED FELIEN Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor shot and killed Justine Ruszczyk Damond in July of 2017. He was convicted of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Damond had called 911 to complain about an incident of domestic abuse happening in her alley. When the squad car passed her in…
Minneapolis students can go to college while going to high school

BY JOE NATHAN South High School and charter public school students (like at Minnesota Transitions) can earn free college credits while still in high school. It represents a significant growing trend in Minnesota. Just-released research from the Minnesota-based Center for Policy Design shows they’re among the more than 25% of…
Bogus Charge of Antisemitism
Affordable housing in Seward

BY ELINA KOLSTAD The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) has plans to build and maintain 16 deeply affordable scattered site developments throughout Minneapolis and two of these will be in Seward. The new buildings will consist of modular four- and six-plexes that will be available to people with incomes of…
Restaurant and food business news, consciously eating insects, and an Owamni mini-review
They’re starting to leave the sinking ship
City wants to dump the water yard in Phillips
Southside Pride Sample Ballot
Get out and vote
Charter amendment #2
Comings and goings and moving to new spots in and around the Midtown Global Market
School openings, community schools vs. GOP culture war, labor and funding shortages, changes at the federal level
The MPD budget

BY TONY BOUZA The Minneapolis Police Department budget document itself is a turgid piece of bureaucratic invention intended to obfuscate and mislead you into thinking your $200 million is being sensibly spent. It ain’t. The pages are replete with references to how sedulously they monitor and invest your dollars, how…