Say “No!” to endless war
BY ALAN DALE Trump and the Pentagon escalate endless U.S. wars. Trump asks for an additional $54 billion for the Pentagon while cutting needed programs. In recent weeks, thousands of additional U.S. troops have been sent to Iraq, Syria and Kuwait. Civilian deaths from U.S. bombings have increased dramatically. The…
150 protest endless war
Transforming the Lake Nokomis play area
BY STEPHANIE FOX The popular Lake Nokomis children’s playground near the Nokomis Community Center is scheduled for more than just an upgrade this spring. Newly designed play equipment will be added, along with an expanded pop-up nature-inspired play area. Some of the more popular pieces, such as the metal slides,…
Don’t miss the dog days of summer (happening now) at 48th and Chicago
BY STEPHANIE FOX At the intersection of 48th Street and Chicago Avenue, the dog days of summer start in spring. Beginning on the first warm days, this urban crossroads becomes what might be the dog-friendliest area of the city, as restaurants set out tables and chairs, and locally-owned stores open…
FROM WHERE I STAND: Why does it cost so much to save the planet?
BY POLLY MANN Unless you’re a reader of the The Guardian Weekly, you probably have not heard of REDD+, but eventually you’ll hear about it. The acronym stands for “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation.” Unless we do something about the increasing warmth of the planet, it will not sustain…
FROM WHERE I STAND: Kill hunger, not people
When will they say, ‘No More War!’?
BY ED FELIEN writes: “Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) has introduced a bipartisan bill to block additional U.S. forces from being sent into Syria. “H.R. 1473 prohibits the Department of Defense from funding any attempt by the administration to expand our presence in Syria by putting U.S. combat boots on…
Organizational Cultures
BY TONY BOUZA America—under the prodding of Black Lives Matter—struggles with the question of police behavior, even as it shells out millions and millions following abusive encounters. How to explain it? Practically all of us get it when combat soldiers speak of the mystical bond forged by shared danger. That,…
Go to your precinct caucus!
Groundbreaking for Phillips pool
Ms Piff turns 36 in 2017
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Rare visitors appear on both sides of the River
Our Revolution MN endorses Alondra Cano
BY ORMN VOLUNTEER LILY KEIRE Our Revolution has endorsed Alondra Cano for council member of the 9th Ward. We are proud of Alondra’s accomplishments, Alondra’s progressive stance, and Alondra’s adherence to principles shared by Our Revolution MN. We stand together for fundamental transformation through popular power. We seek to overcome…