The Justine Damond killing: some modest questions
Budget cuts will continue until morale improves
THE DISH: Viva Mexico, la Primera Parte

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The Dish visited two casual but popular Mexican restaurants for Part One (la Primera Parte) of our Mexican food exploration and rating report. The first, Dominguez Family Restaurant, is in South Minneapolis and is a full-service restaurant with beer and wine. The second, Andale Taqueria y…
Southside Pride Sample Ballot
We like Ray Dehn for mayor

BY ED FELIEN We like Ray Dehn for mayor. We think he understands the problems we face in Minneapolis: “Centuries of over-policing and misconduct have created a fundamental distrust of police by people of color and indigenous communities (POCI)”; “Every person deserves to live in a safe, quality, affordable home.…
Stan-Eric’s Main Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Last year we suggested that there is a virtual small town called Stan-Eric, taken from the identifier of the e-democracy email list for Standish-Ericsson neighborhood. And 28th Avenue is that town’s main street. For most of this town’s virtual life, the commercial corner at East 42nd…
Lock him up!

BY ED FELIEN Citizen’s Complaint against Trump Attention Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman: As you know, there were a record 144 opioid-related overdose deaths in 2016 in Hennepin County. I had the opportunity recently to report on a public meeting with Chief Arrandondo and Inspector Johnson of the 3rd Precinct.…
Our Revolution meets in Alexandria

BY DAVID TILSEN After the election last November, the national Bernie Sanders Campaign launched an effort to start a national organization to continue the work of the millions of people who supported Senator Sanders. This organization, called Our Revolution (OR), was received well, and activists enthusiastically started chapters all over…
Twin Cities DSA’s short, hot summer

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The amazing growth and emerging political relevance of Democratic Socialists of America has been covered by much of the mainstream media, including publications like LA Times, The Guardian, the Washington Post, The Atlantic, and Rolling Stone; networks like CNN and CBS; and online media like HuffPost…
For mayor, Ray Dehn

BY ED FELIEN We like Ray Dehn for mayor. We think he understands the problems we face in Minneapolis: “Centuries of over-policing and misconduct have created a fundamental distrust of police by people of color and indigenous communities (POCI)”; “Every person deserves to live in a safe, quality, affordable home. …