
A new police chief?

BY ED FELIEN We do not need a change of the Palace Guard. Replacing the chief of police is not the solution to the problem with the Minneapolis Police Department. The problem is there is no accountability. The MPD officers believe they are above the law. They believe their badge…

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Anti-war protest

Over 60 people joined an anti-war protest at Hiawatha and Lake Street on Saturday, July 22. The protest, called by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, was held in response to the ever increasing military intervention around the world by the Trump Administration. A statement issued by organizers said in part,…

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‘Young people speakin’ their minds Getting so much resistance from behind It’s time we stop Hey, what’s that sound? Everybody look – what’s going down?’ –Stephen Stills ‘Social clubs in drag disguise’ –Bob Dylan

BY ED FELIEN And they burned the bridges behind them. A new generation came to take their place, so they fought back.  They wore the machinery down; ground the process to dust; exhausted them; outlasted them, and they remained intact. The DFL establishment that ran the City DFL Convention was…

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FROM WHERE I STAND: Short observations

BY POLLY MANN CEO pay may not be quite as high as it once was, but the numbers still dwarf the pay earned by the typical worker. Chief executives of America’s 350 largest companies made an average of $15.6 million in 2016, or 271 times more than what the typical worker…

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Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN At its meeting on Aug.9, the Park Board will hear a recommendation from staff to close Hiawatha Golf Course and turn it into Camp Swampy, a wetlands theme park. In spite of a crowd of more than 70 frustrated golfers, a Park Board committee voted 5 to…

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Healing body and/or soul on Bloomington Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Although primarily a residential avenue, Bloomington Avenue has a plethora of small businesses, quite a few of them dedicated to wellness of one kind or another. There are also a few venerable but unconventional churches on or near Bloomington, which adds up to many varied resources…

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Open Streets on Franklin Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE This year Franklin Avenue’s Open Streets celebration will be on Sunday, Aug. 27, at the usual times: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The boundaries of the Franklin Avenue festival are Portland Avenue in the west and 32nd Avenue in the east (four blocks longer than last…

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A new police chief?

BY ED FELIEN We do not need a change of the Palace Guard. Replacing the Chief of Police is not the solution to the problem with the Minneapolis Police Department. The problem is there is no accountability. The MPD officers believe they are above the law. They believe their badge…

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