Our Revolution City Council priorities

At its Dec. 2 General Membership Meeting, Our Revolution Twin Cities agreed to six priorities for the new City Council: 1. Policing: Make $50 million of the police budget contingent on them voluntarily adopting a civilian review board to review cases of misconduct whose recommendations would be implemented in every…
Sanctuary concert

Anti-Islamic, anti-refugee and anti-immigrant sentiment is out of control. Massive deportations and ICE raids continue. The federal government is planning to build a new immigrant detention center in Minnesota. Against this backdrop, the One Voice Mixed Chorus, Minnesota’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allies chorus, has created “Sanctuary,” a concert…
A conversation about poverty
Editor’s note: An article by Joe Selvaggio, founder of Project for Pride in Living and MicroGrants, was published in the Nov. Nokomis and Dec. Phillips/Powderhorn and Riverside editions suggesting ways to solve the problem of poverty in Minnesota. Elaine Klaassen, managing editor of Southside Pride, responded to the article in…
Healing Hub at Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church soon open to the public

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church (MCLC) has already been for years a place where non-members and strangers come to be buried and married (same-sex couples included). And for many years there have been regular AA, Al-Anon and Adoption Support groups that meet at the church. Community groups sometimes…
Good-bye Karen Clark and Susan Allen . . . and thanks

BY ED FELIEN Shocked! South Minneapolis was shocked to learn last month that Karen Clark and Susan Allen have both decided not to seek re-election in 2018. Clark was first elected in 1980. She’s served 19 terms. The Farmer-Labor Association decided to challenge the incumbent South Minneapolis State Senator Steve…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Who pays for their crimes? Who doesn’t?
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Gifts, travels and astute observations fill winter wonderland
The Light and Heavy Chorale (earthbound)

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Dust to dust. Whatever. Life is hard. Fires, storms, early deaths, accidents, failures, let-downs, rejections, abandonments, wars. Life goes on. We make our chips and dip, fire up the pickup truck, shingle the roof and sew our wedding dresses. We still smile at the sunrise and hold hands at…
Al: Don’t Resign You’re good enough. You’re smart enough. And doggone it, we love you!
The light of liberation
A visit from some solstice ghosts

BY ED FELIEN In 1970 I was publishing Hundred Flowers, a weekly underground newspaper, an anti-war, anti-racist, early feminist, psychedelic fun rag that sold for a quarter. Some people were having a demonstration somewhere on Harriet Avenue protesting the demolition of houses to make room for a two-and-a-half story walk-up…