Grand Avenue shines in Saint Paul

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Grand Avenue is widely thought to hold some of the best shopping and dining venues in Saint Paul. Grand Avenue starts in the west near the gates of St. Thomas University, and stretches eastward several miles, passing by the Macalester campus in the Mac-Groveland neighborhood, going…
Open Streets on Franklin Avenue
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: What’s wrong with the Park Board
America’s police are still out of control
QUEEN OF CUISINE: Pigging out on BBQ
Community cooperatives can take back health care

BY JOEL ALBERS Last September, 125,000 Minnesotans faced unprecedented HMO premium rate hikes of 50-67% (25% increase the prior year), forcing most of these individuals and families in neighborhoods across Minnesota to struggle to pay for, or go without, health insurance. Being priced out of the market and ending up…
Four Sisters Farmers Market
Mayday volunteer and peace/labor activist Thomas R. Dooley, born Jan. 20, 1926, died July 4, 2017
CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT MAOIST: Mo Burton and the Black Panthers, 1971, spring
A new police chief?
Crowds at Nokomis Farmers Market get a visit from big birds
Park Board votes to close Hiawatha Golf Course
The last days of the last Lyndale Avenue record store
Anti-war protest

Over 60 people joined an anti-war protest at Hiawatha and Lake Street on Saturday, July 22. The protest, called by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, was held in response to the ever increasing military intervention around the world by the Trump Administration. A statement issued by organizers said in part,…