6th Ward Convention this Saturday
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Beloved avian creatures surround us
Twin Cities DSA updates and plans
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE On Sunday, April 23, DSA had its largest membership meeting ever, with over 50 attendees, the large majority of whom were DSA members. (Non-members are welcome to attend and volunteer, but cannot vote.) At this meeting, plans were made to widen and continue our involvement in…
More than 50 years of hope for South Minneapolis
BY STEPHANIE FOX Sabathani Community Center has been part of the local community for 51 years, so there are very few people living in South Minneapolis who don’t recognize the large brown brick building at the heart of the economically edgy Bryant neighborhood. Located at 310 E. 38th St., Sabathani…
Pirate on Patrol
Ms Piff turns 36 in 2017
Who went to the precinct caucuses?
What’s happening in Syria
BY ED FELIEN On April 4 the Syrian Air Force attacked an ISIS warehouse in Idlib, Syria. Trump says the Syrian Air Force used poison gas in the attack. The Syrians claim the bombs targeted an ammunition warehouse, and the warehouse contained poison gas. The Russians say there should be an impartial international…
QUEEN OF CUISINE: Clubhouse deluxe
DSA Report: The struggle for union solidarity
BY IAN RINGGENBERG As a rapidly growing organization, the Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has brought in many young members who are new to activism and labor organizing. Whereas once it would be assumed that a group of socialists concerned with labor issues would be dominated by union…
Ethnic and otherwise, East Lake Street is becoming a major food destination
BY STEPHANIE FOX Travel the three-plus miles from the new “International Gateway” banners near 35W to the banks of the Mississippi, and you’ll find a colorful melting pot of eating and shopping, a culinary world in miniature. You can shop and eat cuisines from Latin America to Scandinavia to Somalia…
Go home again with ‘Lone Star Spirits’ at Jungle Theater
BY ADAM MICHAEL SCHENCK We hear that we live in divided times, with one of those divides being between urban and rural. The clefts between interest groups are merely personal psychology writ large, though. The “micro” dramas of our personal lives project into “macro” conflicts in our society. Such is…