The problem with the airport
New beginnings for In the Heart of the Beast
Vote yes on Government Structure Charter Amendment – Letter to the Editor
Minneapolis residents have inherited a convoluted system borne out of early 20th century mistrust. No one trusted anyone so no one was given power. This resulting quagmire has hampered our democratic functions as “14 bosses” oversee city department heads and no one is held accountable. The new amendment would give…
Why I love cops
The Dish: More restaurant news! More than two mini-reviews!
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE New eating places and concepts and “new to me” Amazingly, new restaurants and cafes and food service “concepts” keep on opening. Three fairly recent openings, in descending order of grandness (which pretty much relates to price and that pampered, entitled feeling, but not necessarily to actual…
The race for Ward 2 – Two Letters to the Editor
Grand Avenue – re-emerging from chaos of first COVID year
Vote No!
Saving the Earth
‘Walking With the Devil’: peer intervention and accountability in policing
What’s new (and old) around Lyndale Avenue?
AMLO and coup insurance
BY JOHNNY HAZARD Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has resorted in recent weeks to the open promotion of certain possible presidential candidates during his daily press conferences. These are semi-official, not campaign events. And it’s three years before the next election. More worrisome than what appears to be…
Help for voters living with disabilities
The fifth in a series of articles about the 2021 Municipal Elections brought to you by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), landmark legislation that prohibits discrimination against individuals living with disabilities, has put the force of law behind mandates for equal access in…
Notes from the desk of peace activist Polly Mann (b. Nov. 19, 1919)
Call it murder The Catholic Agitator of June 2021, a monthly newsletter, carried an article by the journalist Chris Hedges, entitled “The Age of Social Murder” which should be required reading for all of us. He defines the murderer’s weapon as global warming, seldom defined or recognized as such. Each…