What’s happening with Snelling Yards?
A huge loss for the neighborhood
Minneapolis pushes for blanket upzonings
BY LARA NORKUS-CRAMPTON Look around and it is not hard to see that Minneapolis is being transformed—corridor by corridor, neighborhood by neighborhood. This is a stated goal of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. We are told that the special permits and upzonings to allow many of these oversized developments are necessary…
POWDERHORN BIRDWATCH: Rescue parties save migratory birds
Save our homes!!
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation near Oglala, June 28, 1975
RESISTANCE PERSISTENCE: The rad month of May and upcoming actions for June
Protest on May 15
More than 100 demonstrators showed up at Senator Klobuchar’s office on May 15 to protest her refusal to speak out against the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza by Israeli troops. They came. They complained. And they left. And nothing changed. Polly Mann challenged Skip Humphrey for the DFL endorsement for…
What’s happening with Snelling Yards?
Comings and goings on Minnehaha Avenue and nearby
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE When it comes to Minnehaha Avenue, the antique stores get most of the attention. That’s not right, because this area is rich with other innovative businesses and cultural resources for enlightenment and entertainment. So here we’re going to focus on some of the other players in…
THE DISH: Lunch Around the World (Delights of Ethiopia)
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Dilla’s Restaurant 1813 Riverside Ave. 612-332-2898 dillasethiopianrestaurant.com The Dish continues our pursuit of international lunch options with a visit to Dilla’s Ethiopian on Riverside Avenue. We’re attracted by the restaurant’s terrific reputation and the reasonably-priced vegetarian lunch buffet. I was accompanied by Mary, who is an…
RESISTANCE PERSISTENCE: The Revolution is headed your way
The Columbia Bust
BY TONY BOUZA Every century has its memorable years—think your birthday. The ’20s had 1927 (Lindbergh), 1928 (Mickey Mouse and Oscar), 1929 (Crash). And then there was 1968 (Nixon, Humphrey, Chicago) Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. Kent State. The Kerner Commission. 1941 (War). 1945 (Peace). And the Columbia University…