Category: Columnists
Save our homes!!
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation near Oglala, June 28, 1975
RESISTANCE PERSISTENCE: The rad month of May and upcoming actions for June
What’s happening with Snelling Yards?
Comings and goings on Minnehaha Avenue and nearby
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE When it comes to Minnehaha Avenue, the antique stores get most of the attention. That’s not right, because this area is rich with other innovative businesses and cultural resources for enlightenment and entertainment. So here we’re going to focus on some of the other players in…
THE DISH: Lunch Around the World (Delights of Ethiopia)
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Dilla’s Restaurant 1813 Riverside Ave. 612-332-2898 The Dish continues our pursuit of international lunch options with a visit to Dilla’s Ethiopian on Riverside Avenue. We’re attracted by the restaurant’s terrific reputation and the reasonably-priced vegetarian lunch buffet. I was accompanied by Mary, who is an…
RESISTANCE PERSISTENCE: The Revolution is headed your way
The Columbia Bust
BY TONY BOUZA Every century has its memorable years—think your birthday. The ’20s had 1927 (Lindbergh), 1928 (Mickey Mouse and Oscar), 1929 (Crash). And then there was 1968 (Nixon, Humphrey, Chicago) Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. Kent State. The Kerner Commission. 1941 (War). 1945 (Peace). And the Columbia University…
Good-bye Old Friend; Rest in Peace Virgil Welna,1929-2018
Save our homes!!
Minnehaha Creek, a ramble through history and language—and 34th Avenue road reconstruction
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE If you live anywhere between Gray’s Bay Dam on Lake Minnetonka and the spot where Minnehaha Creek flows into the Mississippi River, you probably live in the Minnehaha Creek watershed and have heard of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, a governmental body charged with managing the…
THE DISH: Lunch Around the World (Delights of Ethiopia)
BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Dilla’s Restaurant 1813 Riverside Ave. Minneapolis 55454 612-332-2898 The Dish continues our pursuit of international lunch options with a visit to Dilla’s Ethiopian on Riverside Avenue. Dilla’s decor is very down to earth, while its reputation for food is high, and they have a vegetarian…