
Regular Columnists

Ed Felien  •  Elaine Klaassen  •  Polly Mann  •  Tony Bouza  •  David Tilsen  •  Debra Keefer Ramage  •  Stephanie Fox  •  Johnny Hazard 


Meet the Chief

BY ED FELIEN Council Member Alondra Cano hosted a public meeting at Mercado Central to meet the new police chief, Madaria Arradondo, on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Mercado Central is on Bloomington and Lake, a major intersection for drugs and prostitution.  Cano has been trying to increase police presence on Bloomington…

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McCarthyism and you

BY TONY BOUZA “An enemy of the people!” What irony. Does Pres. Trump even know the reference he uses so freely actually attaches to an Ibsen play in which a doctor discovers the therapeutic springs that attract tourists actually cause disease? The dilemma is obvious but the good doctor makes…

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Are we supporting right-wing terrorism?

BY ED FELIEN “On Monday evening, Nov. 24, the week of Thanksgiving, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney released the findings of the grand jury in the case of Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting and killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. As expected, the grand jury chose not to indict…

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Meet the Chief

BY ED FELIEN Council Member Alondra Cano hosted a public meeting at Mercado Central to meet the new police chief, Madaria Arradondo, on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Mercado Central is on Bloomington and Lake, a major intersection for drugs and prostitution.  Cano has been trying to increase police presence on Bloomington…

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Requiem for a heavyweight

BY ED FELIEN Someone criticized me in a public forum saying, “Ed and the rest of the Hiawatha duffers are purposefully ignoring the facts because they want to continue to do what they have always done, where they have done it, whenever they want to do it; we’ve wasted enough…

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Food, art, and food art on Chicago Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE The corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue is a little world of its own. There is a strange mixture in the businesses there, a clash between the quotidian and the exotic, the aspirational and the gritty. It’s not all art and food, but there are…

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Grand Avenue shines in Saint Paul

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Grand Avenue is widely thought to hold some of the best shopping and dining venues in Saint Paul. Grand Avenue starts in the west near the gates of St. Thomas University, and stretches eastward several miles, passing by the Macalester campus in the Mac-Groveland neighborhood, going…

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Open Streets on Franklin Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE This year Franklin Avenue’s Open Streets celebration will be on Aug. 27, at the usual times: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The boundaries of the Franklin Avenue festival are Portland Avenue in the west and 32nd Avenue in the east (four blocks longer than last year).…

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America’s police are still out of control

BY TONY BOUZA I wrote a piece in this space years ago with that title (excluding “still”), and the passing years have only deepened and confirmed that view. And how many objections/refutations did I receive for such an outlandish claim? Zip. Well, save your pennies, because your pocket is about…

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