
For mayor, Ray Dehn

BY ED FELIEN The Our Revolution Twin Cities membership meeting on Sunday, May 21, endorsed Ray Dehn for mayor of Minneapolis. They sent out a lengthy questionnaire to all candidates seeking the Our Revolution endorsement.  One of the questions asked was: “What are your top three priorities once elected?” Ray…

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“Deja vu all over again”

BY TONY BOUZA “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — George Santayana Metempsychosis—the Buddist theory of transmigration of spirit-lives.  The spirit of Charles Stenvig (remember him?) has landed on Chief Janee Harteau.  How deliciously ironic. In 1980 I was hired to exorcise the spirit of…

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QUEEN OF CUISINE: Talk of the town

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Town Talk 2707 E. Lake St. 612-353-5398 towntalkmpls.com Farm to fork. Old news, right? These days, that credo has become table stakes (thank goodness) in restaurant kitchens. Freezers are for ice cream, not broccoli or fish. Yet it’s embraced at Town Talk, the rejuvenated East Lake Street…

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Good-bye to the back nine

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board will hold a final public meeting on July 20 at Nokomis Community Center to decide what should be done with Hiawatha Golf Course.  Currently the Park Board is pumping millions of gallons of water from the golf course into Lake Hiawatha. Of course this water…

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Gateway to Richfield? Or Gateway to the Future?

In May of 2000, the Nicollet Avenue Task Force published its official report, laying out its plans to guide the “Revitalization” of Nicollet Avenue, or “Minneapolis’ Main Street,” as the report referred to it in the subtitle. Looking back from our vantage point of 17 years later, it seems the…

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Alondra Cano endorsed in the 9th Ward

BY DAVID TILSEN I decided to help Alondra Cano in her re-election campaign this year because she stepped up when I asked her to help with trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. I tend to be in solidarity with people who are in solidarity with me, and Council Member Cano…

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Ventura Village never gives up

BY GAIL RAJALA HAYDEN I’ve been attending the Ventura Village Neighborhood Community monthly meetings in the Phillips neighborhood off and on for nearly 20 years. At the most recent meeting, on May 10, some of the same people were present, serving as volunteer leaders, just as they had been in…

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