Ed Felien

Columns by Ed Felien

Ed has been the owner and editor of Southside Pride since 1991, writing articles and essays.

How do we stop the violence?

BY ED FELIEN Jawan Carroll has been charged with two counts of second-degree murder resulting from the shootout in front of the Monarch nightclub at 2 a.m. on May 22. He allegedly was with two other people. He had been identified by police authorities as a member of the Tre…

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O brave new world

BY ED FELIEN Shocked at seeing human beings other than her father for the first time, Miranda, in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” says, “Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t.” The forced isolation and sudden…

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The Verdict

BY ED FELIEN Guilty! Guilty, as judged by the whole world. Everyone saw what happened. Millions watched 17-year-old Darnella Frazier’s iPhone video of Derek Chauvin squeezing the life out of George Floyd. The world was outraged. And local politicians acted surprised. Mayor Frey said, “That there will be Black Minneapolis…

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Rest in peace and love, Daunte Wright

BY ED FELIEN Daunte Wright was pulled over in Brooklyn Center while driving his parent’s car for driving with expired license tabs. The officer in charge, Kim Potter, was a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Park Police Department and former head of the police officer’s union. She was training new…

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Go to your precinct caucus

BY ED FELIEN Go to your precinct caucus … and never leave your couch. Now you can register to become a delegate to the DFL ward and city conventions and never leave the peace and serenity of your living room. You can go to caucus.dfl.org and it will direct you…

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We share the torment of the damned

BY ED FELIEN Two tormented 21-year-olds unleashed a storm of death and sorrow last month in Atlanta and Boulder. Why? There are no easy answers. They were both victims of bullying. Robert Aaron Long was bullied by his evangelical church to hate and fear his natural need for sexual expression.…

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Bryan Ring

BY ED FELIEN There was a lovely piece in the Pioneer Press in February about Bryan Ring bringing help and hope to the homeless camped out near Sheridan Park in North Minneapolis: “Stillwater man is godsend to people living in Minneapolis homeless camps.” “He brings sleeping bags, food, hand warmers,…

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Charles Rodgers is running for Park Board

BY ED FELIEN Charles Rodgers is running for Park Board. That’s good news for people in South Minneapolis who want a park system that works for all of us. He says, “Growing up in Memphis, the only child of a single mom employed long hours as a domestic to a…

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Jack Ryan: Spoiler alert!

BY ED FELIEN I feel like Oscar in Sesame Street: “I like trash.” What’s there to do during the pandemic and forced incarceration but watch trashy action flicks on Netflix? And, after you’ve watched all the James Bond movies and “Ocean’s Eleven,” you’re left with the dregs at the bottom…

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Who gets the vaccine?

BY ED FELIEN A concerned reader wrote, “Please urge more equitable distribution. Please cover this issue right away. White arms are being injected at a much higher rate than their percent of population.” Native Americans are 1.8 times more likely to get COVID-19 than white people. They are four times…

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The legacy of Lisa Bender

BY ED FELIEN Lisa Bender changed the world. There probably has never been anyone in Minneapolis politics (with the possible exception of Hubert Humphrey) who has had such a profound impact on the city, the state and the country. She had a vision for the City of Minneapolis that she…

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Who is running in Ward 2?

BY ED FELIEN We sent the three registered candidates for City Council in the 2nd Ward the following three questions: 1. Do you support a full and public investigation into the killing of Terrance Franklin by the MPD? 2. Do you support the up-zoning of the inner city in the…

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Trump, the comic-opera Napoleon

Karl Marx said, “History repeats itself. First as tragedy, then as farce.” The reaction to the killing of George Floyd was somber with serious consequence. The assault on the Capitol was opera buffa, a “tale told by idiots signifying nothing.” A South politician preaches to the poor white man “You…

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Hundreds protest another police killing

BY ED FELIEN Estimates range from between 1,000 and 1,200 people who gathered on Sunday, Jan. 3 to protest yet another police killing of a young Black man. On Wed. night, Dec. 30, the Minneapolis police Strike Force/SWAT Team/Community Response Team/Roughrider Cowboys/or whatever this unit of the MPD is currently…

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The race is on in the 11th Ward

BY ED FELIEN By the time we went to press, there were three candidates for City Council in Ward 11: the incumbent, Jeremy Schroeder; Dillon Gherna, a young gay man who worked on Hutchinson’s successful campaign for sheriff; and Emily Koski, the daughter of former mayor, Al Hofstede. We asked…

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