Welcoming our new neighbors

BY NATHAN HOUSE On Wednesday night, June 16, several hundred Powderhorn Park residents gathered together to hear statements from local activists regarding encampment at the park, now in its sixth day of occupancy. Hundreds of people without homes have sought shelter on the east and west sides of Powderhorn park,…

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The future of transit

BY JOHN CHARLES WILSON 9/11 changed long-distance transportation in America by causing the industry and its governmental partners/regulators to ramp up the “Security State.” Though the changes in airline travel are the most well-known, long-distance bus and train travel were affected as well. Amtrak and Greyhound both adopted ID requirements…

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Nurses report police brutality

Matt Allen is with Ashley Huber May 31 at 2:13 AM on Facebook Tonight, the Minneapolis Police Department Opened fire on our first aid station with no regard for the wounded people we had inside. We were treating the 100% PEACEFUL protestors adults and teens who had come in with…

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His life mattered

BY ELINA KOLSTAD Black Lives Matter has always been about more than the murder of unarmed black people at the hands of the police. It also tackles structural racism that can be seen in everything from our educational system to the fact that our justice system does not uphold the…

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This has gotta change!

BY ED FELIEN The cops in Minneapolis have got to be brought under control. They must be held to the same standards of behavior as the rest of us. Our civil rights in Minneapolis are protected by the Minneapolis Civil Rights Commission. If some person, some business, or some institution…

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America the Beautiful

BY TONY BOUZA America’s police are out of control. This is news to you? White America hires cops to control blacks. This is called racism. The Minneapolis cop did not murder Floyd. It was manslaughter. The prosecutor mangled it, but did he have the police union’s endorsement? Why didn’t he…

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We don’t run the country, but we make it run

BY ALLISON ANDRADE Mindy Bergeron-Lawrence is 35 years old. She has worked for McDonald’s for 17 years. Mindy is an essential worker. However, McDonald’s doesn’t give her sick leave. She stated in the Poor People’s press conference on May 13 that “without paid sick leave and without a living wage,…

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Hayden loses challenge

BY DAVE TILSEN After losing the DFL endorsement by a wide margin, Sen. Jeff Hayden filed a complaint with the DFL state central committee that the endorsement was tainted and should be invalidated. He argued that the leadership of the DFL in the district, the leadership of the credentials committee,…

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Worth Watching 6.20

BY ED FELIEN Last month we introduced a new feature on our website—exclusive interviews with Stephen McClellan and musicians from local rock bands—Yellin’ at McClellan. He was going to have a new program this month featuring The Lanes, but “the George Floyd killing has definitely shifted the nation’s priorities and…

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Friendship Academy of the Arts grade school to expand

BY STEPHANIE FOX The original plans were for a huge ceremony and celebration to mark the literal groundbreaking at the Friendship Academy of the Arts site in March. But the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 virus made large gatherings and public celebrations impossible. Instead, the groundbreaking ceremony on April 17…

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