Cooking with Pride — Staff Recipes

Slow Cooker Stuffing with Extra Veggies This stuffing is packed with flavor and veggies. The veggies are cut small so they don’t overpower the stuffing. This recipe uses the slow cooker to save much coveted oven and stove space for other Thanksgiving goodies. Makes about 12 servings. Ingredients: ¼ cup…
Remembering Pastor Supt. Vernell Thomas
Protesters target Cargill CEO David MacLennan at ‘Lifelong Learning Through Leadership’ breakfast

MINNEAPOLIS – Twenty riled-up citizens from across Minnesota convened at the Interlachen Country Club early Thursday morning to pressure Cargill to stop burning rainforests, protect indigenous lands, and switch to regenerative agricultural practices. Inside the country club, Cargill CEO David MacLennan addressed the “Lifelong Learning Through Leadership” breakfast to an…
Veterans for Peace

Stacy Beyer, from Johnson, Minn. (pop. 29), with Veterans for Peace member Steve McKeown signing a petition to ban nuclear weapons globally. In doing this, she completed a lengthy statewide effort to collect signatures from likeminded residents in all 851 Minnesota towns—22,681 signatures obtained so far.

A FAMILY-FRIENDLY SING-A-LONG TO HELP KEEP AN ENDANGERED LANGUAGE ALIVE Saturday, Dec. 7, 11 am & 2 pm • Sunday, Dec. 8, 2 pm Z Puppets Rosenschnoz, 4054 Chicago Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55407 Minneapolis- Recently, the Cherokee Nation declared a state of emergency for their language. With Say It!…
Celebrate Mayday
MaLLy’s Journey to a Smile
Metrowide Holiday Guide—from the goofy to the sublime

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Once again, and maybe even more so, the Twin Cities is heaving with winter-themed, holiday-ized markets, activities and cultural flowerings to enhance your mood and social standing as the days darken. As usual, we will focus on both grand traditions and iconoclastic takedowns, and privilege the…
Notes from the desk of peace activist Polly Mann (b. Nov. 19, 1919)
Prophets and Losses

By Tony Bouza Erica, telling me a friend of ours—educated and sophisticated—had consulted a psychic, set me to thinking—after overcoming nausea. Psychics are clever scoundrels, preying upon our gullibility using their study of human nature. They observe the external (appearance, body language, etc.) and exploit our hopes and dreams. With…
Courageous heARTS

BY DORIS OVERBY On a stroll down a stretch of emerging 38th Street businesses this August, I stepped into Courageous heARTS, a youth-led nonprofit art studio at 2235 E. 38th St., and discovered teen artists selling their work during their organization’s summer “Show and Sell Pop-Up” art sale. Nothing inspires…
Where do we park?
Should transit be free?
Listening to Commissioner Conley

BY AMY BLUMENSHINE County Commissioners Angela Conley and Irene Fernando, a new “Squad” of women of color, are pushing the county to seriously step up to address the needs of the public. The Hennepin County Board, made up of seven commissioners, approves the second largest government budget in the state.…