Race War

BY ED FELIEN There is a Race War happening in America. Some very crazy white people are attacking and murdering people of color. Dylann Roof killed nine African Americans during a church service at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2015. White supremacist James Fields deliberately rammed his car into…
You won’t believe what happened when we tried to investigate Chicago Avenue!

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE (Yeah, we’re hoping to sell this piece to BuzzFeed later.) But seriously, this is no joke. We were calmly and methodically doing our research to spotlight two upmarket small businesses and three long-standing nonprofits on Chicago Avenue when—BOOM!—one of the nonprofits, a 17-year-old, high-visibility presence…
Since 1956, Everett’s Food and Meats prove trendy has its limits and excellence does not

BY STEPHANIE FOX Everett’s Food and Meats is a small neighborhood grocery store in the heart of South Minneapolis. It’s been there forever. As with many little grocery stores, you can get your standard items—chips and dips, beans, rice, frozen dinners and a small selection of fresh produce. You can…
Truth and Consequences
The Gichi-gami Gathering to Stop Line 3
Hiawatha Golf Course — Why is Pumping Necessary?
The case for lidding our highways
Please drive carefully—prison’s in session!
Notes from the desk of peace activist Polly Mann (b. Nov. 19, 1919)

Unfair Remuneration The Star Tribune recently ran an article entitled “Worker pay stagnates as it soars for CEOs.” It would be great if on its publication that situation could be rectified, but no way is that going to happen! The organization responsible for the report, the nonprofit Economic Policy Institute,…
WAMM after 37 Years – Are the Times A-Changin’?

BY LUCIA WILKES SMITH “Sometimes they show us the ‘one-fingered peace sign’.” That’s the way Sister Brigid McDonald describes the nasty gesture made by some people who drive past a peace vigil. Brigid and her sisters—Kate, Jane and Rita—are Catholic nuns who were subjects of the History Theatre’s dramatic production…
What does an ally look like? Or dammit, white people, we can do better!
Hope and futility neck and neck as first world (barely) takes on climate crisis

BY ELAINE KLAASSEN Along with most of my friends, I wish to reduce my carbon footprint. My environmentally-friendly friends and I think if we live sustainably we can somehow alleviate and mitigate the climate heat that is exponentially encompassing the entire planet. (You know, the hotter it gets, the hotter…
Victoria Law visits Twin Cities to celebrate 25 years of the Women’s Prison Book Project

The Women’s Prison Book Project (WPBP) is celebrating its 25th year in operation on Oct. 12, 2019. The project has sent requested books to women in prison and, for the past several years, to transgender prisoners locked up nationwide within America’s criminal justice system of mass incarceration. For our commemoration,…

Jimmy and Lorraine: A Musing is a meditation on the American political climate of the late ‘50s and early ‘60s through the eyes of two of the most significant artists of the time, James Baldwin and Lorraine Hansberry. Using text from journals, letters, interviews, and more, Wilks brings Baldwin and…