
BY TONY BOUZA Humans learned the importance of controlling the extremes of other humans very early on—about contemporaneous with learning of the efficiency and importance of conveying their messages and controlling behavior. Artists were called “the antenna of the race” by a poet who saw them as key definers of…
QUEEN OF CUISINE: Still stable—and how!

BY CARLA WALDEMAR Spoon and Stable 211 North First Street 612-224-9850 Inquiring minds want to know—inquiring foodies, anyway. The first time I wrote about the Warehouse District’s Spoon and Stable was soon after its opening in 2014. I loved Chef/Patron Gavin Kayson’s emphasis on cold-weather comfort food—his granny’s pot…
CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT MAOIST: The murder of Mark Salzer, winter, 1971

BY ED FELIEN Later that winter we heard about the murder of Mark Salzer by an undercover narcotics officer of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). James Decowski befriended Mark and then busted him. He was in his apartment with his girlfriend. The cop pulled a gun. Mark knocked over a lamp. The cop shot and…
DSA plan for organizing
In response to Polly Mann’s “Arms manufacturing leads to war”

Polly Mann’s article (all editions of June 2017) is an accurate equation of what leads to war (greed for power/money). Who supplies the weapons (greedy, wealthy manufacturers). Who is purposely left uneducated and unemployed and becomes eager to be paid something for being trained in handling of weapons and killing…
Save Hiawatha Golf Course
Guthrie’s ‘Sunday in the Park with George’ true to Sondheim, for good or ill

BY ADAM MICHAEL SCHENCK Theater composer Stephen Sondheim is known as iconoclastic because his musicals do not lend themselves easily to memory. One won’t find oneself humming the songs from the Guthrie’s production of “Sunday in the Park with George.” Multiple catchy tunes are the expectation for the musical, but…
Shopping adventures on 66th Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Southside Pride, well, OK, me, that is I, took advantage of the long Independence Day “weekend” (flexible day Monday, off Tuesday) to visit some alluring businesses that I had heard about lining the mixed residential and shopping hub corridor that is 66th Street, just over the…

Bullet proof mind training: How Yanez learned to kill My remarks are not from a legal perspective but as a Christian and a combat-trained infantryman who learned how to efficiently and effectively kill Koreans and later Vietnamese. This training involved an earlier version of Bullet Proof Mind training that officer…
FROM WHERE I STAND: Wealth inequality

BY POLLY MANN According to research on wealth by the Boston Counseling Group, by 2021 only 1% of American millionaires and billionaires will control 70% of the nation’s wealth. Currently more billionaires and millionaires live in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, with two out of five millionaires…
FROM WHERE I STAND: Violence brings starvation
Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board seems hell-bent on destruction. It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred…
Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board seems hell-bent on destruction. It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred…