
Tragedy upon tragedy

BY SAFIYO MOHAMED One of the tragedies of 2020 was the killing of George Floyd. George Floyd’s murder, caught on video, was one of the worst police killings that America has ever witnessed. I couldn’t imagine this happening in America where I believe the vast majority of people respect human…

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Getting it right – Letter to the Editor

Thank you, Southside Pride, for showing a picture of Chief Arradondo on the front page of your April edition. Thank you for quoting Chief Arradondo regarding his words at the Derek Chauvin trial: “It’s not part of our training, and it is certainly not part of our ethics and our…

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BY TONY BOUZA In the English history of man the wise (Homo sapiens) there has never been even one who didn’t consider him(her)self a national leader. It might tempt you to ask—then where are all those cockups coming from? People—leadership is in short supply. Just looking at our last few…

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Rest in peace and love, Daunte Wright

BY ED FELIEN Daunte Wright was pulled over in Brooklyn Center while driving his parent’s car for driving with expired license tabs. The officer in charge, Kim Potter, was a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Park Police Department and former head of the police officer’s union. She was training new…

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Lake Street stories, cont.

BY KAY SCHROVEN When the going gets tough, the tough get going, right? Last spring, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, when chaos and violence erupted on East Lake Street, Father Joseph Gillespie, O.P. (aka: The Patron Saint of Cautious Optimism) of St. Albert the Great Catholic…

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The queen on the hill – Letter to the Editor

The queen on the hill I am writing about the article Ms. Kathryn Kelly wrote for Southside Pride about Minneapolis Park Board Commissioner Steffanie Musich that appeared on the front page of the March 2021 Nokomis edition. I want to express two concerns I have about the piece: It was…

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We share the torment of the damned

BY ED FELIEN Two tormented 21-year-olds unleashed a storm of death and sorrow last month in Atlanta and Boulder. Why? There are no easy answers. They were both victims of bullying. Robert Aaron Long was bullied by his evangelical church to hate and fear his natural need for sexual expression.…

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Bryan Ring

BY ED FELIEN There was a lovely piece in the Pioneer Press in February about Bryan Ring bringing help and hope to the homeless camped out near Sheridan Park in North Minneapolis: “Stillwater man is godsend to people living in Minneapolis homeless camps.” “He brings sleeping bags, food, hand warmers,…

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Saving the Earth like we mean it – Part II

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE You probably did not guess when you read my “Saving the Earth like we mean it” piece a year ago (https://southsidepride.com/2020/04/13/saving-the-earth-like-we-mean-it/) that it was only Part I of an ongoing exhortation. Even worse, this is the agitprop equivalent of a good-cop-bad-cop routine, and last year was…

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Second COVID Spring on Lake Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE I’m not sure but I think spring on Lake Street might be the first neighborhood spotlight piece to get a second COVID treatment. According to the sparse feedback I get, this formula works—for COVID, and it should work for the gradual emergence and recovery from it—so…

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Cindy Gerdes

BY TONY BOUZA The awful, awful thing about bureaucracy is its cold indifference. Many of my colleagues sought comfort, salaries and pensions while wallowing in self-pity and whining like gold medalists. Humanity was the great missing thing. Shortly before I left policing—for the first time voluntarily—we had an awful murder—Cindy…

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Unity starts with education

BY ADRIANA CERRILLO DIRECTOR, BOARD OF EDUCATION, MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS From the insurrection at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., to the barbed wire lining the streets of downtown Minneapolis, 2021 has been a grim reminder of the divisions in our communities. Unless we make a strong effort to bridge our…

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