Category: Riverside
Robin responds
Another brother down
Quakers look at policing cops

BY JOHN STUART Quaker social justice values are embodied in “Testimonies,” adherence to peace, equality, community and integrity. A year ago, members of the Minneapolis Friends Meeting began to talk about the policing of our city in the light of these Testimonies. Too often, we had seen violence in policing.…
Small pets for small spaces – keeping birds, fish and other special pets
Summer Camp: The outlook for the third summer of COVID
Considering diet culture, vitamin D, and a mini-review of ie Italian Eatery
The new City Council divide

BY CAM GORDON On Jan. 10, the new Minneapolis City Council met for the first time, elected new leadership and approved new committee assignments. It also revealed an interesting council divide. While the historic election of former vice president and Ward 8 council member Andrea Jenkins as the new council…
Reader criticizes Walz – Letter to the Editor

This letter is written in response to the statement that Walz running for governor in 2022 would be helpful to Democrats. Many Minnesotans will not vote for Walz again. I’ll first note the many voters he lost after his state police froze 640+ anti-police brutality protestors that cold November night…
Who is really running Minneapolis? – Letter to the Editor

The Jones Day law firm is the fifth largest law firm in the United States. They mostly represent large corporations, but in the last election they represented the Trump campaign in lawsuits trying to overturn the election results. Jones Day has virtually taken over the government of our city, working…
Open letter to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension – Letter to the Editor

As you certainly know, Winston Smith was killed by officers under the supervision of the U.S. Marshals on June 3, 2021. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension conducted a Use-of-Deadly Force investigation, resulting in a report of over 1,000 pages, submitted to Crow Wing County Attorney Donald Ryan. Mr. Ryan then…
Children in crisis

BY ELINA KOLSTAD At a press conference in early January, Mayor Frey argued that schools should remain open in order to combat violent crime and increased carjackings often carried out by juvenile offenders. He specifically said, “When we don’t have that [schools open], boredom sets in. And boredom is no…