Category: Nokomis
Resist, relief, persist
It takes a neighborhood to write a book
What about the 2040 Plan?
Bells Chime Again at St. Joan of Arc
THE DISH: Southside soul, delights of the U.S. South
Neighbors protest

Diamond Lake neighbors gather every weeknight at Chicago Avenue and the Parkway as a protest, part of the “Stand on Every Corner” movement. The national grassroots movement started in Minneapolis by Bryce Tache on July 21 has grown to 233 locations with more being added every week. The protests will…
Vote for Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison: Stands with Bernie Sanders. Ranked most liberal in the Minnesota Delegation to Congress by GovTrac. “I am working to advance gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) equality in Congress by ending existing discrimination written in federal laws, giving law enforcement tools to pursue perpetrators of hate crimes, and…
Still out of control, Part Two
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’ —George Orwell

BY RICHARD TAYLOR When the Minneapolis YWCA rammed through its pay-to-park scheme at the Midtown YWCA, did it omit anything that might be viewed as stretching the truth? Yes! First, CEO Frías justified the pay-to-park gated system on one reason only: non-members were depriving members of parking spots. What she…
The end is near! Repent!
FINDING MY WAY: The Senior Citizen Mental Health Ward
Who shall rule this American nation?
Stop Endless Wars!
Down with Boulder Dam

BY ED FELIEN On Sept. 9 I sent the following email to Superintendent of Parks Mary Merrill: Hi Superintendent Merrill, Would you please direct staff to remove the boulder dam/weir under the 30th Avenue Footbridge that is obstructing the flow of Minnehaha Creek, as indicated in the Barr Engineering study.…