
Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred golfers that the course would be open…

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Shopping adventures on 66th Street

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Southside Pride, well, OK, me, that is I, took advantage of the long Independence Day “weekend” (flexible day Monday, off Tuesday) to visit some alluring businesses that I had heard about lining the mixed residential and shopping hub corridor that is 66th Street, just over the…

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Bullet proof mind training: How Yanez learned to kill My remarks are not from a legal perspective but as a Christian and a combat-trained infantryman who learned how to efficiently and effectively kill Koreans and later Vietnamese. This training involved an earlier version of Bullet Proof Mind training that officer…

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FROM WHERE I STAND: Wealth inequality

BY POLLY MANN According to research on wealth by the Boston Counseling Group, by 2021 only 1% of American millionaires and billionaires will control 70% of the nation’s wealth. Currently more billionaires and millionaires live in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, with two out of five millionaires…

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Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board seems hell-bent on destruction. It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred…

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Save Hiawatha Golf Course

BY ED FELIEN The Park Board seems hell-bent on destruction. It seems nothing can stop them from closing Hiawatha Golf Course in a couple of years. At a public meeting late last month, Michael Schroeder, the assistant superintendent for Planning Services, told an anxious crowd of more than a hundred…

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DFL City Convention July 8

BY ED FELIEN The DFL will hold an endorsing convention for mayor, Board of Estimate and Taxation and nine Park Board seats on Saturday, July 8, at the downtown Minneapolis Convention Center. There are four leading candidates for mayor: Betsy Hodges is the incumbent. She hasn’t raised a lot of…

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Open Streets 2017—now with more Minnehaha Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Just like last year, the Open Streets program is putting on eight events on eight separate Sundays through the summer. (Two events, Downtown and Lyndale, have occurred already.) The routes of a few of the events are different this year. Last year the event for East…

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Public art and artists along Cedar Avenue

BY DEBRA KEEFER RAMAGE Cedar Avenue from the West Bank to Lake Nokomis does not, at first glance, seem to be a cultural corridor. Its houses are modest, its restaurants and other businesses not trendy or pretentious. But nevertheless, it is home to a few unique art spaces and on…

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Pirate on Patrol

BY CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW [Editor’s Note:  Southside Pride has been concerned about safety on Lake Street. We feel there is a need for some kind of foot patrol to talk to people who walk and work on the Street and who live in the neighborhood and find out what’s happening.…

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